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IT Directions - Software Engineer (Task)

This Task is designed to test an examinee’s knowledge of PHP Design principles and its implementations on Laravel framework. It is divided into 3 levels, with each feature having to be accomplished consecutively.

Assessment Point System: The assessment total is 125 points with additional Passing grade is 100. See breakdown below for more detail.

Levels Points
Level 1 45
Level 2 30
Level 3 50

Asessment Duration: Examinee is given 3 days to complete the assessment

✎ Main Note
  • Simple Ui For Design We Don't Care About Front-end Stuff in this Task

Level 1

  • Implement Laravel’s default login feature
  • Develop User CRUD functionalities
  • Make Roles and Permissions without any package


Base the user migration file in the following table:

mysql> show columns from users;
| Field             | Type            | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id                | bigint unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| firstname         | varchar(255)    | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| lastname          | varchar(255)    | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| username          | varchar(255)    | NO   | UNI | NULL    |                |
| email             | varchar(255)    | NO   | UNI | NULL    |                |
| password          | text            | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| photo             | text            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| remember_token    | varchar(100)    | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| email_verified_at | timestamp       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| created_at        | timestamp       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| updated_at        | timestamp       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| deleted_at        | timestamp       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

  1. Start a project in Laravel 8 or higher
  2. Implement the default login feature using the laravel/ui package.
  3. Add a page to list all users (users.index) in a table.
  4. Add a page to display a single user (
  5. Add a page to display the form to create a new user (users.create).
  6. Add a page to edit a user (users.edit / users.update).
  7. Add a button to delete a user (users.destroy).
  8. Add a page to list all soft deleted users (users.trashed).
  9. Add a button to restore a soft deleted user (users.restore).
  10. Add a button to permanently delete a soft deleted user (users.delete).
  11. Add roles and permissions and make it simple [Admin - Employee] only admins can delete users make unit test for that
  12. all that feature requires unit test

✎ Notes
  • All users routes must implement the auth middleware.

★ Bonus
  • +5 points - Write and register a route macro for soft deletes, which can be used as:

     Route::softDeletes('users', 'UserController');

    which contains the following route collection:

     Route::get('users/trashed', 'UserController@trashed')->name('users.trashed');
     Route::patch('users/{user}/restore', 'UserController@restore')->name('users.restore');
     Route::delete('users/{user}/delete', 'UserController@delete')->name('users.delete');
  • +2 points - Implement a model accessor called getAvatarAttribute which can be used as:

     $user = User::find(1);
    which returns the photo or a default image
      * Retrieve the default photo from storage.
      * Supply a base64 png image if the `photo` column is null.
      * @return string
     public function getAvatarAttribute(): string
     	// Code goes brrrr.
  • +3 points - Implement a model accessor called getFullnameAttribute which can be used as:

     $user = User::find(1);
     $user->fullname; // E.g. Juan P. dela Cruz
    which returns the first, and last name of the user
      * Retrieve the user's full name in the format:
      *  [firstname][ mi?][ lastname]
      * Where:
      *  [ mi?] is the optional middle initial.
      * @return string
     public function getFullnameAttribute(): string
     	// Code goes brrrrr.
  • +1 point - Style the pages using a preferred framework (e.g. bootstrap, vuetify, etc.).

Level 2

  • Implement a Service Pattern for User CRUD
  • Write Unit testing for the service class
  • Add Validation rules to the User CRUD
  • Implement a repository pattern for User CRUD
  • Tracking every Employee in the system who take the actions and display it for new page the admins only can visit that page without any pacakge


  1. Create a unit test file in /tests/Unit/Services/UserServiceTest.php

    Sample UserServiceTest.php
    namespace Tests\Unit\Services;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithFaker;
    use Tests\TestCase;
     * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
     * @preserveGlobalState disabled
    class UserServiceTest extends TestCase
        use DatabaseMigrations, RefreshDatabase, WithFaker;
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_return_a_paginated_list_of_users()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_store_a_user_to_database()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_find_and_return_an_existing_user()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_update_an_existing_user()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_soft_delete_an_existing_user()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_return_a_paginated_list_of_trashed_users()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_restore_a_soft_deleted_user()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_permanently_delete_a_soft_deleted_user()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
         * @test
         * @return void
        public function it_can_upload_photo()
    	// Arrangements
    	// Actions
    	// Assertions
    	* @test
    	* @return void
    	public function admins_can_delete_user()
    		// brrrr
    	* @test
    	* @return void
    	public function regular_user_cannot_delete_user()
    		// brrr
  2. Create a file /app/Services/UserService.php

    Sample UserService.php
    namespace User\Services;
    use App\User;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile;
    use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
    class UserService implements UserServiceInterface
         * The model instance.
         * @var App\User
        protected $model;
         * The request instance.
         * @var \Illuminate\Http\Request
        protected $request;
         * Constructor to bind model to a repository.
         * @param \App\User                $model
         * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
        public function __construct(User $model, Request $request)
            $this->model = $model;
            $this->request = $request;
         * Define the validation rules for the model.
         * @param  int $id
         * @return array
        public function rules($id = null)
            return [
                 * Rule syntax:
                 *  'column' => 'validation1|validation2'
                 *  or
                 *  'column' => ['validation1', function1()]
                'firstname' => 'required',
         * Retrieve all resources and paginate.
         * @return \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
        public function list()
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Create model resource.
         * @param  array $attributes
         * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
        public function store(array $attributes)
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Retrieve model resource details.
         * Abort to 404 if not found.
         * @param  integer $id
         * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null
        public function find(int $id):? Model
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Update model resource.
         * @param  integer $id
         * @param  array   $attributes
         * @return boolean
        public function update(int $id, array $attributes): bool
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Soft delete model resource.
         * @param  integer|array $id
         * @return void
        public function destroy($id)
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Include only soft deleted records in the results.
         * @return \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
        public function listTrashed()
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Restore model resource.
         * @param  integer|array $id
         * @return void
        public function restore($id)
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Permanently delete model resource.
         * @param  integer|array $id
         * @return void
        public function delete($id)
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Generate random hash key.
         * @param  string $key
         * @return string
        public function hash(string $key): string
            // Code goes brrrr.
         * Upload the given file.
         * @param  \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $file
         * @return string|null
        public function upload(UploadedFile $file)
            // Code goes brrrr.
  3. Create an Interface class file /app/Services/UserServiceInterface.php

    1. The Interface must have a public method called hash(string $password): string, which should be used when saving the password field.

      See Sample file
      namespace App\Services;
      interface UserServiceInterface
           * Generate random hash key.
           * @param  string $key
           * @return string
          public function hash(string $key);
  4. Build your test cases. See the following test cases for the minimum coverage requirements:

    | Unit Test                                       | Coverage                                                | Remarks                                                                            |
    | it_can_return_a_paginated_list_of_users         | UserService@list                                        | Must implement and return the \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator instance |
    | it_can_store_a_user_to_database                 | UserService@store(array $attributes)                    |                                                                                    |
    | it_can_find_and_return_an_existing_user         | UserService@find(int $id)                               | Must use the findOrFail method of the User model.                                  |
    | it_can_update_an_existing_user                  | UserService@update(int $id, array $attributes)          |                                                                                    |
    | it_can_soft_delete_an_existing_user             | UserService@destroy(int $id)                            |                                                                                    |
    | it_can_return_a_paginated_list_of_trashed_users | UserService@listTrashed                                 |                                                                                    |
    | it_can_restore_a_soft_deleted_user              | UserService@restore(int $id)                            |                                                                                    |
    | it_can_permanently_delete_a_soft_deleted_user   | UserService@delete(int $id)                             |                                                                                    |
    | it_can_upload_photo                             | UserService@upload(\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $file) |                                                                                    |
  5. If all test passed, inject the UserService instance to the UserController@__construct method.

  6. Use the UserService's methods inside UserController accordingly.

  7. Add validation rules to the UserService@rules.

  8. Create a Request class file /app/Http/Requests/UserRequest.php, and add the rules.

    See sample `UserRequest.php`
    namespace App\Http\Requests;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
    use App\Services\UserServiceInterface;
    class UserRequest extends FormRequest
         * Determine if the user is authorized
         * to make this request.
         * @return boolean
        public function authorize()
    	return true;
         * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
         * @return array
        public function rules()
  9. Use the UserRequest class as the first parameter to UserController@store and UserController@update.

    public function store(UserRequest $request) { ... }
    public function update(UserRequest $request, int $id) { ... }

Level 3

  • Generate a table called details to save additional user background information
  • Create facade to the only current user can update he's data and the admins
  • use docker in the project
  • make a trait to all image actions like upload or update or delete
  • Generate api for retrieving all regular employees with the [last_at, ip_address] ip he's login with and last time use sanctum for authentication


new column for users table [ last_at, ip_address ]

✎ Notes

🍀 Good luck!


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