This is the Lernaean Hydra Archive (LHA) for Similarity Search.
The archive contains efficient implementations of the state-of-the-art similarity search algorithms.
The archive contains the code sets, the papers, the extended results and information about the dataset/queries used.
This archive is free for use for academic and non-profit purposes, but if you use it, please reference it properly.
###Hydra 1: K. Echihabi, K. Zoumpatianos, T. Palpanas, and H. Benbrahim. The Lernaean Hydra of Data Series Similarity Search: An Experimental Evaluation of the State of the Art. PVLDB, 12(2):112–127, 2018.
###Hydra 2: K. Echihabi, K. Zoumpatianos, T. Palpanas, and H. Benbrahim. Return of the Lernaean Hydra: Experimental Evaluation of Data Series Approximate Similarity Search. PVLDB, 13(3), 2019.
The code is provided, as is, without warranty of any kind. While we thoroughly tested all code bases on Ubuntu 16.04.2, we do not guarantee that they are exempt from bugs, nor that they will work on other platforms. If you encounter any issues with the code, please feel free to send an email to Karima Echihabi ([email protected]). We will do our best to address your concerns but do not promise to resolve all issues.