FFMPEG wrapper for slicing videos. Requires python 3.4 or above.
For help in terminal type:
pyton3 ./ffslicer.py -h
python3 ./ffslicer.py -i input.mp4 @args.txt ~/destdir/output.mkv
Takes arguments for args.txt file.
Will create a contaner folder named "ffslices_input.mp4" at "~/destdir/"(must already exist).
Input filename appended to the ffslices container folder name.
~/destdir/ffslices_input.mp4 will contain a video file for each slice in arguments.
Each option in the arguments file (named args.txt in this case) must on a separate line:
00:00:03.325 8.305
8.317 15.34 28 35.8
Only --slices option can have arguments spread on several lines.
All options can reside in an arguments file, so a call could look like:
python3 ./ffslicer.py @args.txt
To parallelize slicing there's --multiprocess option.