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@andy840119 andy840119 released this 06 Sep 18:47
  • [enhancement] Move the romaji to the time-tag. #2004
  • [enhancement][LyricMaker] Create the UI part for the action. #1974
  • [enhancement] Implement page (or maybe called breath) edit mode in the lyric editor. #1766
  • [enhancement] Action buttons in the composer. #1610
  • [enhancement] Implement the compose area in the lyric editor. #1609
  • [bug][official] Fix cannot import the lyric due to missing depenedency #1510
  • [closed] Should be able to drag the time-tag index #1447
  • [bug] Fix some issues in the lyric import screen. #1257
  • [enhancement] Implement new area to batch adjust the lyric start/end time. #1252
  • [enhancement][code quality] Use SettingSource in some editor or generator config. #1211
  • [enhancement] Should be able to drag the time-tag? #1168
  • [bug] Fix the json beatmap cannot save property in the karaoke beatmap. #1147
  • [enhancement] Implement tap area in the recording mode. #1143
  • [code quality][editor][encoder/decoder] Add test cases for karaoke beatmap property-related change handler. #1122
  • [code quality][LyricMaker] Move LyricCheckerManager for lyric editor only? #1030
  • [closed] Should hide ruby/romaji/translate config if the user hides them? #853
  • [enhancement][Good for contributor] Font selection improvement #804
  • [enhancement][LyricMaker] Improve extra recording mode area in lyric editor. #751
  • [enhancement][LyricMaker][low priority] User is able to adjust time-tag time precisely #604
  • [enhancement][LyricMaker] Show alert checker in lyric editor. #412
  • [enhancement][code quality][encoder/decoder] Create karaoke beatmap encoder/decoder for testing purpose #404
  • [Design][generator] Editor config visualization. #377
  • [low priority][Design] Let user easy understand mapping between kanji and romaji. #352
  • [enhancement][utils] Enable to switch position between romaji and main text. #319
  • [code quality] Ignore some warning in project #318