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Kanari SDK

1. Setup Environment

  • Ensure you have Ubuntu or a similar Linux distribution.
  • Install necessary dependencies like build-essential, curl, clang, gcc, libssl-dev, llvm, make, pkg-config, tmux, xz-utils, ufw using the provided script.

2. Install Rust

  • Rust is required for building and running the Kari chain. Use the command provided in the script to install Rust and its package manager, Cargo.

3. Clone the Kari Chain Repository

  • Obtain the source code for Kari chain. This might involve cloning a Git repository or downloading source code from a specific location.

4. Build the Project

  • Navigate to the project directory.
  • Run cargo build --release to compile the project. This command compiles the project in release mode, optimizing the binary for performance.

5. Run the Node

  • After building, you can start a Kari chain node using cargo run --release. This command runs the compiled project.
  • Depending on the project's specifics, you might need to add additional flags or configuration files to successfully start a node.

6. Interact with the Kari Chain

  • Use the provided tools and documentation to interact with the Kari chain. This could involve sending transactions, mining blocks, or querying the blockchain state.

7. Update and Maintain

  • Regularly update your local repository with the latest changes from the main Kari chain source.
  • Rebuild the project as needed to ensure you're running the latest version.

Usage Example

# Update and install dependencies

# Clone the Kari chain repo 
git clone
cd kanari-network

# Initialize and update submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update --init --recursive

# Build the project
cargo build --release

Environment Setup

# Generate wallet
cargo run --release --bin kari keytool generate

# Configure and start node
# Interactive prompts will ask for:
# 1. Node type (enter 1 for validator)
# 2. RPC port (default: 3031)
# 3. Network domain (default:
cargo run --release --bin kari start

# Start Kari node
# Windows
cargo run --release --bin kari start

# Linux/MacOS
cargo run --release --bin kari start

Kari CLI Install

Prerequisites for Windows

choco install mingw
cargo install --locked --git --branch main kari