Delphi implementation of Windows Application Desktop Toolbar
This project is inheritor of TAppBar component with lot of modifications for support latest Delphi versions (tested on XE2..10.2),
Remove hints & warnings, use new constructions, add multi-monitor support, simplify code.
Source Readme file still exists (AppBar14.txt)
How to use:
- Add AppBar unit to uses in interface section after VCL.Forms.
- Set BorderStyle to bsNone (you can leave it as is, but bsNone is recommended value)
- Edge : TAppBarEdge. Edge to dock on. It can assume one of the following values: abeLeft, abeTop, abeRight, abeBottom, abeUnknown, abeFloat.
- Autohide: boolean. Used with docked form (Edge = abeLeft..abeBottom). If True then form minimizes when another window activated
- AppbarWidth and AppbarHeight: integer. Used to control size of docked form.
- DragByMouse: Boolean. Allow / disable drag form by mouse. This property also used to automatic docking form when mouse moved too close to edge.
- OnEdgeChange: used to allow / decline change Edge property