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All in one finance asset microservice

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How to run it

The recommended way is to use docker-compose. That pulls down all the Docker images needed and you will have the full microservices architecture locally in order to get authentication from aiof-auth and data from aiof-data


Pull the latest image

docker pull gkama/aiof-asset:latest

Run it

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:80 gkama/aiof-asset:latest

Make API calls to


(Optional) Clean up none images

docker rmi $(docker images -f “dangling=true” -q)

Docker local

Build the image from Dockerfile.local

docker build -t aiof-api:latest -f Dockerfile.local .

Docker compose

From the project root directory

docker-compose up

EF migrations

Migrations are currently managed in the ef-migrations branch

dotnet ef migrations add {migration name} -s .\aiof.asset.core -p .\
dotnet ef migrations script -s .\aiof.asset.core\ -p .\\
dotnet ef migrations remove -s .\aiof.asset.core -p .\