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IOC-Unity-Event Library in Source Framework for Unity3D

The EventManager for IOCContainer.

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Sample : Global Event Sample

Imagine we want to implement the following game flow:

  1. Fire EventInit while IOCContainer finish its initialization
  2. GameFlowController listen & react to all events
    1. While EventInit event is receieved
      1. Print [GameFlow] OnInit
      2. Fire EventFinishInit
    2. While EventFinishInit event is receieved
      1. Print [GameFlow] OnFinishInit
      2. Fire EventLoadingMain with progress 0
      3. Start loading the scene
    3. While EventLoadingMain event is receieved
      1. Print [GameFlow] OnLoadingMain progress
    4. While EventLoadedScene event is receieved
      1. Print [GameFlow] OnEnterScene scene=Current Active Scene

Create an IOCContainer

ITypeContainer typeContainer = new TypeContainerCollection(new List<ITypeContainer>
        new TypeContainer(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()),
        new TypeContainer(typeof(IOCComponent).Assembly),
        new TypeContainer(typeof(EventManager).Assembly)

    new IOCContainerBuilder(typeContainer).Build();

Add the code above at the first your application is startup.

Define all events first

class EventInit : EventArg {}

class EventFinishInit : EventArg {}

class EventLoadingMain : EventArg
    public float Progress;

    public EventLoadingMain(float progress)
        Progress = progress;

class EventLoadedScene : EventArg
    public Scene Scene;

    public EventLoadedScene(Scene scene)
        Scene = scene;

Game to react the IOCContainer's life cycle'

class Game : IInstanceLifeCycle
    private EventManager _EventManager;

    public void BeforePropertiesOrFieldsSet()

    public void AfterPropertiesOrFieldsSet()

    public void AfterAllInstanceInit()

GameFlowController to listen & react the event

class GameFlowController
    private AssetLoader _AssetLoader;
    private EventManager _EventManager;
    public void OnInit(EventInit eventInit)
        Debug.LogError("[GameFlow] OnInit");
    public void OnFinishInit(EventFinishInit eventFinishInit)
        Debug.LogError("[GameFlow] OnFinishInit");
        _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventLoadingMain(0));
        _AssetLoader.LoadScene("ScenePath", (scene) =>
            _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventLoadingMain(100));
    public void OnLoadingMain(EventLoadingMain eventLoadingMain)
        Debug.LogError($"[GameFlow] OnLoadingMain {eventLoadingMain.Progress}");
    public void OnEnterScene(EventLoadedScene eventLoadedScene)
        Debug.LogError($"[GameFlow] OnEnterScene scene={eventLoadedScene.Scene}");

AssetLoader to simulate the asset loader

class AssetLoader
    private EventManager _EventManager;
    public void LoadScene(string scenePath, Action<Scene> onLoadedScene)
        var scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
        _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventLoadedScene(scene));

All is done

Runing the demo and the following messages will be output in the console:

[GameFlow] OnInit
[GameFlow] OnFinishInit
[GameFlow] OnLoadingMain 0
[GameFlow] OnLoadingMain 100
[GameFlow] OnEnterScene scene=UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene

Amazing! Right? The IOCContainer & EventManager help you to register all the methods with Event attribute in the IOCContainer into the EventManager, so that when a EventManager's FireEvent is invoke, the relevant method will be invoked automatically.

This sample is useful for global event,such as network message or game's data message which you want to update all the time even though whether the associate UI is open.

Sometimes you need some local event but not global, such the UI will listen the data's event only when the UI is opened. That is what we want to demonstrate the next sample.

Sample : Local Event Sample

Imagine we want to implement the following game flow:

After the IOCContainer was inited:

  1. Open BagUI through UIManager
  2. Fire EventBagItemDataChange with ID=1 and Count=100
  3. Fire EventBagItemDataChange with ID=1 and Count=200
  4. Fire EventBagDeleteItem with ID=1
  5. Close BagUI through UIManager
  6. Fire EventBagItemDataChange with ID=1 and Count=300
  7. Fire EventBagDeleteItem with ID=2

Let's see whether the BagUI can receieve the events in 6th & 7th step

Create an IOCContainer

ITypeContainer typeContainer = new TypeContainerCollection(new List<ITypeContainer>
        new TypeContainer(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()),
        new TypeContainer(typeof(IOCComponent).Assembly),
        new TypeContainer(typeof(EventManager).Assembly)

    new IOCContainerBuilder(typeContainer).Build();

Add the code above at the first your application is startup.

Define all events first

class EventBagItemDataChange : EventArg
    public int ID;
    public int Count;

    public EventBagItemDataChange(int id, int count)
        ID = id;
        Count = count;

    public override string ToString()
        return $"ID={ID} Count={Count}";

class EventBagDeleteItem : EventArg
    public int ID;
    public EventBagDeleteItem(int id)
        ID = id;

    public override string ToString()
        return $"ID={ID}";

Define BagUI

class BagUI
    public void OnBagDataChange(EventBagItemDataChange eventBagItemDataChange)
        Debug.LogError($"[OnBagDataChange] {eventBagItemDataChange}");
    public void OnEventBagDeleteItem(EventBagDeleteItem eventBagDeleteItem)
        Debug.LogError($"[OnEventBagDeleteItem] {eventBagDeleteItem}");

Define UIManager

class UIManager 
    private EventManager _EventManager;

    private IIOCContainer _IOCContainer;

    private Dictionary<Type, object> _UIs = new Dictionary<Type, object>();

    public void Open<T>(Action<T> onOpened) where T : new()
        var uiType = typeof(T);
        if (_UIs.ContainsKey(uiType))
            onOpened((T) _UIs[uiType]);
        var t = new T();
        _UIs.Add(uiType, t);

    public void Close<T>()
        var uiType = typeof(T);
        if (!_UIs.ContainsKey(uiType))

        var ui = _UIs[uiType];

We can each time the Open method is invoked, we will Register the new create ui object to the EventManager, the Unregister method will be invoked if the Close method is invoked. We do not need to register all the events in the ui one by one, just register the ui object into the EventManager and then all the methods with Event attribute in the ui object will be register into the EventManager.


class Game : IInstanceLifeCycle
    private UIManager _UIManager;
    private EventManager _EventManager;

    public void BeforePropertiesOrFieldsSet()

    public void AfterPropertiesOrFieldsSet()

    public void AfterAllInstanceInit()
        _UIManager.Open<BagUI>((ui) => { });
        _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventBagItemDataChange(1, 100));
        _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventBagItemDataChange(1, 200));
        _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventBagDeleteItem(1));
        _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventBagItemDataChange(1, 300));
        _EventManager.FireEvent(new EventBagDeleteItem(2));

All is done

Runing the demo and the following messages will be output in the console:

[OnBagDataChange] ID=1 Count=100
[OnBagDataChange] ID=1 Count=200
[OnEventBagDeleteItem] ID=1

We can find that after we call _UIManager.Close<BagUI>(), BagUI doesn't react to the last two events, that is what we want.


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