KNITRO v0.14.0
Merged pull requests:
- Update README (#247) (@odow)
- Install libiomp5 in GitHub actions (#248) (@odow)
- Update CI to use latest license (#254) (@odow)
- Fix NLPBlockDualStart and tidy MOI tests (#255) (@odow)
- Add support for MOI.ScalarNonlinearFunction (#256) (@odow)
- Add badges to README (#257) (@odow)
- Remove EmptyNLPEvaluator (#258) (@odow)
- Improve tests and error values of MOI.RawOptimizerAttribute (#259) (@odow)
- Refactor MOI wrapper into a single file (#260) (@odow)
- Refactor _canonical functions in MOI wrapper (#261) (@odow)
- Fix MOI.is_valid support for MOI.VariableIndex (#262) (@odow)
- Fix getter for MOI.NumberOfConstraints (#263) (@odow)
- Refactor NotAllowed errors in MOI_wrapper.jl (#264) (@odow)
- Refactor to use _c_column in MOI_wrapper.jl (#265) (@odow)
- Tidy names of sets (#266) (@odow)
- Rewrite the C wrapper (#268) (@odow)
- Check return codes of C API in MOI interface (#269) (@odow)
- Export KN_ symbols as the public API (#270) (@odow)
- Add note on breaking changes to the README (#271) (@odow)
- Tweaks to the MOI wrapper (#272) (@odow)
- Mention ScalarNonlinearFunction support in README.md (#273) (@odow)
- More refactoring of the C API, removing unnecessary fields where possible (#274) (@odow)
- Fix test/kintroapi_licman.jl (#275) (@odow)
- Add MINLPTests to CI (#276) (@odow)
- Fix model pointer passed to callbacks (#277) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Wrap KNITRO's callbacks inside MOI (#92)
- Fix excluded tests in MOI (#233)
- KNITRO with JuMP segfaults if ApproxFun is loaded (#249)
- MOI.set(model::Optimizer, ::MOI.NLPBlockDualStart, values) does not work (#250)
- Calling KNITRO in for loop (#251)
- Support
(#252) - mcp type problems (#253)