Welcome join JSDC 2014, 15, Aug on Sale
We are inviting speaker who are JavaScript expert
/ Node.js expert
/ Open source JavaScript conributor
/ Hardware of JavaScript library expirences. Welcome to particiapte JSDC 2014.
Topic: JSDC 2014 is awesome. 太棒了
Job title: JSDC HQ
Github: @jsdc.tw
Email: [email protected]
Also you can send eamil to JSDC HQ to contact us. 如果你害羞,也歡迎寄信與 JSDC HQ。
Welcome to sponsor JSDC 2014, feel free to contact us.Now you can sponsor JSDC 2014, [Contact us](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Speaker JSDC 2014) 歡迎各單位贊助 JSDC 2014.
JSDC (JavaScript Developer Conference) is the only annual JavaScript conference in Taiwan. One goal of this conference is share and bring the greatest and latest JavaScript developments and technologies to various levels of JavaScript Developers. The other goal is to help sponsors to find the best JavaScript developers during the conference.
JSDC (JavaScript Developer Conference) 是台灣最大的 JavaScript 年度性技術研討會,旨在 提供台灣中高階 JavaScript 技術⼈才與世界最新 JavaScript 相關技術討論與分享。並希望各界贊助廠商與中高階技術人才的媒合,創造雙贏的正向循環。