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tiny bug sitting on on IC FPGA Bitstream Manipulation Tools

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This small project implements tooling to inspect and modify bitstreams generated for several Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGAs (XC7Z010/015/020), and (very experimental) Virtex UltraScale+ (XCVU9P) FPGAs at very low level.

NOTE: The unbit codebase is currently undergoing a major refactoring to add more flexible handling of FPGA, mapping of block RAM data on import/export, and (basic) support for compressed bitstreams.

CMake presets (CMakePresets.json) have been added to simplify the overall build process. To build the full unbit codebase (including the legacy tools) the following steps can now be used:

$ cmake --preset legacy
$ cmake --build --preset legacy

Information below this point has not been updated yet (but still applies to the legacy tools):

The tools provided in the tools/ subdirectory enable various types of manipulation on FPGA bitstream (.bit) files and on (binary) FPGA readback data. The following command line tools are currently available:

  • unbit-dump-bitstream parses a bitstream and dumps information about the configuration packets in the bitstream to the standard output.

  • unbit-dump-brams extracts BRAM content from the bitstream and produces a textual dump similar to the INIT and INITP parameter strings used to initialize BRAM content in Verilog instantiations of the BRAM primitives.

  • unbit-substitute-brams extracts BRAM content from an FPGA readback file (obtained from a live FPGA) into a configuration bitstream (.bit). This tool is highly experimental - use at your own risk and discretion. Intended usage of this tool is to provide a general-purpose method for BRAM initialization in design with a CPU (e.g. ARM's Cortex-M1 or M4 FPGA design start kits), assuming that debug access to the CPU is available.

  • unbit-dump-image extracts BRAM content from a bitstream into an Intel-Hex file. The Intel-Hex file shows an embedded processor's view of a memory address space. A memory map information (MMI) file with address space information is required as input. This tool can be used to extract the content of embedded RAMs and ROMs.

  • unbit-inject-image updates BRAM content in a bitstream from an Intel-Hex file. A memory map information (MMI) file with address space information, and an Intel-Hex file are required as input. This tool is the dual to the unbit-dump-imagetool. This tool can be used to replace/edit the content of embedded RAMs and ROMs.

  • unbit-bitstream-to-readback simulates configuration readback from a configured FPGA. This tool takes a bitstream as input and produces a binary readback data file as output.

  • unbit-strip-crc-checks removes all configuration CRC check commands from a bitstream. This tool is required to allow configuration of an FPGA with bitstreams that have been edited by the unbit-substitute-brams or unbit-inject-image tools.

Build Environment

The "unbit" toolset uses simple CMake-based build setup. Any reasonably recent (C++17 support) Clang or GCC toolchain should work as build environment. The majority of the tools only depend on the Standard C++ Library. The unbit-dump-image and unbit-inject-image tools additionally require libxml2 for parsing memory map information (mmi) files.

Typical setup on a Debian-based operating system (using GCC):

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake g++ libxml2-dev

Typical build invocation:

$ mkdir build/
$ cmake -B build/ .
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --build build/

Tools can be run directly from the build directory (build/src/tools/). Alterntively, an install target is provided (The install target honors CMake's CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable).

Example: Editing the ROM of an embedded CPU

This example flow assumes a simple CPU-based design with an initial bitstream (original.bit) and a matching memory map information file (cpu.mmi) being available. The memory map information file is expected to provide process address space information (<Processor> and <AddressSpace> tags).

The fragment below shows part of an MMI file for a custom RISC-V based design. The design includes a 64k ROM (32-bit wide data bus) in the 0x10000000--0x1000FFFF address range. The full MMI file was generated via a custom TCL script. The underlying BRAM structure was instantiated via the xpm_memory_sprom macro in HDL code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MemInfo Version="1" Minor="5">
 <Processor Endianness="Little" InstPath="u_copro/u_rv32">
  <AddressSpace Name="rom" Begin="268435456" End="268500991">
	 <BitLane MemType="RAMB36" Placement="X3Y21">
	  <DataWidth    MSB="7" LSB="6" />
	  <AddressRange Begin="0" End="16383" />
	  <Parity       ON="false" NumBits="0" />
		Remaining MMI file omitted for simplicity
		(Here be bitlanes)

Typically the first step for editing the ROM of an embedded CPU is to extract the CPU-visible memory as Intel-Hex file. Given the preliminaries shown above this can be accomplished with the unbit-dump-image command. The command requires the original bitstream (original.bit), the memory map information (cpu.mmi) and the instance path of the processor of interest (u_copro/u_rv32) as inputs. Output can be written to rom-original.hex via a standard output redirection:

$ unbit-dump-image original.bit cpu.mmi u_copro/u_rv32 > rom-original.hex

Once the ROM has been extracted, the Intel-Hex file can be edited/replaced with any suitable text editor. For the next it is assumed that the new ROM image is available in rom-updated.hex. In the unbit-inject-image tool is used to inject the updated ROM image into the bitstream, producing a new bitstream called updated.bit. The image injection tool can be used as shown below to produce the updated bitstream:

$ unbit-inject-image updated.bit original.bit cpu.mmi u_copro/u_rv32 rom-updated.hex

The updated bitstream can be inspected with the unbit-dump-bitstream and the unbit-dump-brams tools. Output of the unbit-dump-brams tool for the original and updated bitstream can be, for example, used to compare the underlying BRAM initialization strings.

CAVEAT EMPTOR: At this stage an FPGA will does not yet accept the updated bitstream (Configuration attempts will fail with INIT_B staying low). The root cause can be identified by comparing the output of unbit-dump-bitstream between the original and updated bitstreams: Both bitstreams (typically) contain configuration packets that instruct the FPGA to perform CRC checks over the configuration stream. These CRC checks fail for the updated bitstream, as the unbit-inject-image command does not make any attempts to recalculate the CRC.

The updated bitstream can be fixed easily, be completely stripping the CRC checks, via the unbit-strip-crc-checks tool. The next step below shows an example invocation of this tool with updated.bit as input, and updated-nocrc.bit as output (different file names have been used for illustrative purposes only; the tool properly handles the same input/output file name):

$ unbit-strip-crc-checks updated-nocrc.bit updated.bit

The resulting bitstream (updated-nocrc.bit) has the CRC checks removed, and can be used to (re-)configure an FPGA with a design containing the modified ROM image.


Adding FPGAs

Additional Virtex-7 style FPGAs can be added with relative ease. The xc7z020 class should provide a good starting point for what is minimally needed. The first step typically is to identify the location of the BRAM configuration frames for the FPGA of interest. This can be achieved by implementing a "stub" design that uses all RAMB36 primitives of the FPGA, and requesting generation of a logic location file as part of the write_bitstream task. See the comments in ramb36e1.cpp for the approach that was used with currently available FPGA types.

NOTE The laziest approach to realize a mapping between the BRAM bits and the bitstream offsets is to literally tabulate bit offsets found in the logic location file for each BRAM bits. (Tables get huge but are straightforward to (auto-generate).

The BRAM mapping tables in ramb36e1.cpp and ramb36e2.cpp were generated with the second laziest approach: First take an educated guess (all BRAMs have the same internal structure), then think of a simple formula for mapping bit x of the BRAM to an offset relative the start of the RAM, and finally let an SMT solver (z3) figure out the remaining parameters ... ;)


Xilinx FPGA Bitstream Manipulation Tools







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