This repo is archived. It's not being maintained and may no longer work. I recommend installing the package directly instead.
A Dockerfile for tinc on the Raspberry Pi.
This image was based off jenserat/tinc and the old vimagick/tinc-arm.
This image is for the Raspberry Pi. If you need a x86 tinc image, jenserat/tinc is my personal favorite.
Run docker build -t jordancrawford/rpi-tinc .
First, follow a tinc tutorial to setup your tinc config. This DigitalOcean tutorial is a good start..
You need a tinc configuration folder that you can point to /etc/tinc
in the image.
No netname
folder is necessary, the configuration (e.g.: tinc.conf, hosts, tinc-up, tinc-down, etc) should all be at the root directory of your configuration.
Run the container like:
docker run -d --net=host --cap-add NET_ADMIN --device=/dev/net/tun -v [your tinc config path]:/etc/tinc --name tinc jordancrawford/rpi-tinc
Take note, this requires --cap-add NET_ADMIN
and --device=/dev/net/tun
to work!
When setting up your TINC config, you may want to use other TINC options, such as the "-K" option to generate your keys.
You should run these without Dockers detached mode, e.g.:
docker run -v [your tinc config path]:/etc/tinc --name tinc jordancrawford/rpi-tinc -K