This is a TARGET (Thrustmaster config language) config file that has been tested against version of the TARGET Script Editor.
You must load the Script Editor and execute this script before starting MWO. You can stop and restart the script once MWO has started successfully. Always drop in Testing Grounds before competition.
Joystick takes over all commands that would be done on keyboard, mouse does weapons and zoom.
Must set joystick handedness setting to LEFT on bottom of joystick.
In-game, map joystick Axis2 to "turn legs" and turn off throttle decay.
In illustration, two keys separated by a "/" indicates the first key is pulsed on a click. The second key is held on a hold of that key longer than 250ms.
There are two available configuration modes, slide throttle to top to get Mode 1, to bottom to get Mode 2.
eestileib 1may2014