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This repository contains my configuration files for many MacOS applications and MacOS preferences.

By having a single repository for all configuration files, it is possible to:

  1. Easily revert accidental changes to configuration files with Git.
  2. Have an additional Backup of all configuration files on GitHub.
  3. Quickly set up a new Mac with all configuration files and preferences by cloning this repository and following the steps below.

Setting up a new Mac

  1. Be very careful to set the User Name for the Device Account and the Home directory correctly! The default name is firstnamelastname (e.g. joelbeck) instead of only the firstname (e.g. joel) which is often preferred.

    If the name is set incorrectly, it can be changed by creating a new administrator account on this device, renaming the main account from the new admin account and finally deleting the new admin account again.

  2. Open Safari, navigate to GitHub and login to the GitHub account via Apple Keychain.

  3. Create a new GitHub Personal Access Token for the new device.

  4. Open the built-in Terminal App and clone the dotfiles repository from GitHub to the home directory:

    git clone ~/dotfiles
    • When requested, accept to install the Xcode Developer Tools first.
    • Enter the GitHub username and the new Personal Access Token from the previous step.
  5. Run 01_symlinks.zsh to create symbolic links from iCloud to a new ~/iCloud folder and to run the dotbot installation script for the dotfiles:

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 01_symlinks.zsh

    This step must be run first to set environment variables which specify the location of configuration files for some of the apps installed in the next step (XDG Base Directory Specification).

  6. Run 02_homebrew.zsh to install Homebrew Packages, MacOS Apps and Nerd Fonts:

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 02_homebrew.zsh

    Enter the password for the user account when requested.

  7. Run 01_symlinks.zsh again to set the desired configuration for the installed command line tools and MacOS Apps:

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 01_symlinks.zsh

    Now that the development environment is set, continue with the remaining process using Warp and VSCode for convenience.

  8. Run 03_oh-my-zsh.zsh to install OH MY ZSH:

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 03_oh-my-zsh.zsh
  9. Restart the shell (such that OH MY ZSH can set required environment variables). Then run 04_oh-my-zsh-plugins.zsh to install OH MY ZSH plugins:

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 04_oh-my-zsh-plugins.zsh
  10. Run 05_perl.zsh to install perlbrew to manage Perl versions, the latest perl version and cpanm to install Perl modules. Then install the required Perl modules for formatting LaTeX files with latexindent (used by the VSCode LaTeX Workshop extension):

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 05_perl.zsh

    It might be necessary to manually specify the desired Perl version in the script such that latexindent find all perl modules for the new version and does not use the system perl version:

    i) Open the script in VSCode:

    code /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/scripts/latexindent/

    ii) Assuming the Perl version 11.11.0, replace the first line

    #!/usr/bin/env perl



    Then save the file with sudo permissions.

  11. While Apps are installing:

    • Check frequently for prompts in the terminal to enter the password for the user account if requested.
    • Setup the desired file system directory structure and copy the following folders from an SSD backup disk to the new machine:
      • ~/iCloud
      • ~/Documents/AppBackups
      • ~/Documents/LargeFiles
    • Clone the Obsidian Vault from its GitHub directory to ~/Documents/ObsidianVault.
    • Clone all other repositories needed for the new machine from GitHub to
      • ~/Documents/ProjectsPrivate
      • ~/Documents/ProjectsPublic
    • Log into accounts of already installed apps and start the sync process or the manual configuration.

Wait until the installation of all Apps is finished. Breathe 🧘‍♂️ Time for a cup of tea!

  1. Run 06_vscode-extensions.zsh to install VSCode extensions:

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 06_vscode-extensions.zsh
  2. Run 07_macos.zsh to set MacOS System Preferences and default applications to open specific file types:

    cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
    zsh 07_macos.zsh

    When requested, enter the password for the user account. Then, restart the Mac. After rebooting, check that the custom MacOS System Preferences were set correctly.

  3. Install the remaining MacOS Apps that are not available via Homebrew. Lookup the list of missing Apps in Obsidian.

  4. Restart the MacBook again and check that all steps were completed successfully.

Done 🎉 Enjoy your new Mac!

File System Structure

    ├── dotfiles
    ├── Documents
    │   ├── LargeFiles
    │   ├── ObsidianVault
    │   ├── Playlists
    │   ├── ProjectsPrivate
    │   └── ProjectsPublic
    ├── iCloud
    │   ├── AppBackups
    │   ├── Personal
    │   ├── KeyboardMaestro (containing the sync file)
    │   └── Default iCloud folders (generated automatically by applications)
    ├── iCloudBackup
    ├── GoogleDriveBackup
    ├── ownCloudBackup
    ├── Pictures (generated automatically)
    ├── Zotero (generated automatically)
    └── Default MacOS folders (generated automatically)