This is a reimplementation of a game called Greedy Merchants using the Svelto.ECS framework. My intention is to keep this updated to the latest changes in the framework so that it stands as a valid example of how gameplay is implemented using it.
Since this project is using Svelto.ECS 3.0 which is not yet available through openupm I decided to use git submodules to handle Svelto dependencies. In order for this dependencies to be loaded into the project you need to run the following command git submodule update --init --recursive
Greedy Merchants is a game I implemented with a couple of friends for LD 40. These are the credits of the original version.
- Gaston Simonetti
- Daniel Streitenberger
- Me
- All art was done by Kenney. Check his stuff out.
- "Happy Pirate Accordion" (Original by alphatone, Faster version by Timbre)
- "Pirate Ship at Bay" by CGEffex
- "Cannonball Hitting Ship" by EFlexMusic
- "Coins" by DWOBoyle
- "Arr" by bart
- "Coin Clatter 4" by FenrirFangs