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This app is an E-learning platform. There are two types of users: student & teachers. After login user is directed to a dashboard that renders the classes a user teaches and is a student in. Each classroom has its own individual page with the ability to add announcements and assignments to it as well as a gradebook that the teacher can only acce…


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Consilience is the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions. This platform exists to allow user to registered as 'Teachers' or 'Students.' Both can search the classes listed and request to join them. Each class a user joins will be generated on their dashboard and one can 'enter the classroom.' The teacher has a gradebook option which allows them to create assignments and provide each student a grade for them.

This app also has pretty extension security that is detailed towards the bottom of the README. Essentially we used JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to create authorization keys that are set to expire in 24 hours. Upon logging out the user is provide with a new JWT with a lifetime of 1 milisecond.

the link to github is shown below: TBD

the link to the functional app is shown below:

Table of Contents

User Story

As a USER I believe that a person never stops learning and a lot of people out there have something to teach and learn from one another. I want to be to search for classes and be able to keep track of them. Consilience is a platform that can provide this for both those who have something to teach, want to learn, or both.

Version 1.0

  • This reactjs app runs via heroku or by entering the command "npm start" to initialize the react server.
  • Make sure you are in the main folder when running the code on the command line.
  • Home page - is the start page and routes the user to login page
  • Login page - allows the user to either login if they have an account or register as a new user and then login
  • Dashboard - allows the user to see all the classes they are signed up to be in
  • Search page - allows user to search the database of classes and request to join them
  • Classroom page - has an annoucement board that users can post on, with an assignments div that shows the assignments for the class
  • Gradebook page - allows the teacher, to add assignments and grades for those assignments to each student
  • Logout page - lets the user logout. Upon logging out they are assigned a new auth token that expires in 1 millisecond.

How To Use

See the layout of the app below.

  • The home page of the app has a little description explaining what the app can be used for. Other than that at the top of the screen without being a user one can search the classes that exist on the website. Can't join if you aren't a member though. Also there is a login button that will take you the login screen

"Starting page of App"

  • If the user clicks on the login button the login dialog opens up and the user can login or click on the register link if they are a new member. The register link will open up the register dialog. There are two types of user either a teacher or student. Teacher has the ability to create courses as well as join them, while a student can only join them
Login Dialog Register Dialog
"Login" "Register"
  • Once a user has logged into the website they start off at the dashboard. There are several links in the top right corner that allow the user to navigate to different pages. Also if the user has created a course or joined a course the course cards will be rendered onto the dashboard page shown in the image. The class cards render differently depending on if the user is a teacher or a student. The two main differences are that the cards have a red trim if the user is a student and the gradebook button does not render onto the card.


  • If the user clicks on the opening door of a class card they are taken to the classroom page. This page shows the classroom title and description at the top of the page. There is an announcement board. If the user is a teacher accessing this page the "+" button renders which allows them to make create announcements on the board. The teacher will also have the "trash can" icon visible in order to delete the announcement if desired. If the teacher has created an assignment (this is done at the gradebook page), that assignment and some of its info is rendered onto the classroom page.


  • One more thing about the classroom page is that any user can comment on an announcement on the board. The comments can be expanded by the expand icon. To comment a user needs to click on the message icon and then type their desired message into the text box. Upon hitting enter the comment will render as a comment on the annoucement board. Beware your user name and time of comment will automatically be rendered along with your message. A teacher has the ability to delete a comment when it is posted. This is done by clicking on the trash can.

"Comment on Announcement"

  • The teacher has access to an additional page known as the gradebook. The gradebook has an assigments and gradebook tab. The assignments tab is where the teacher can create an assignment and save it to the database. The gradebook automatically lists all the students that have joined the class and will automatically render a column for any assignment the teacher creates.
Teacher Gradebook Page
  • If the teacher clicks on the assignments tab towards the top of the gradebook page. Another table is shown for the class which is the assignments table. In this location the teacher can create an assignment for her class. Once the assignment is created it will automatically be a new new column in the gradebook where the teacher can add grades to it for each student.
Teacher Assignment Tab on Gradebook Page

Coding Languages Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • React.js
  • JSX
  • Node.js

NPMs Used:


  • @material-ui/core
  • @material-ui/icons
  • @testing-library/jest-dom
  • @testing-library/react
  • @testing-library/user-event
  • animate.css
  • material-table
  • mdbreact
  • react
  • react-app-polyfill
  • react-dom
  • react-router-dom
  • react-scripts
  • react-toastify
  • styled-components


  • @date-io/date-fns
  • @material-ui/core
  • axios
  • bcrypt
  • bcryptjs
  • body-parser
  • chance
  • cookie-parser
  • cors
  • dotenv
  • express
  • if-env
  • is-empty
  • jsonwebtoken
  • moment
  • mongodb
  • mongoose
  • morgan
  • multer
  • nodemailer - for version 2.0
  • passport
  • passport-http-bearer
  • passport-jwt
  • path
  • - didn't implement for version 2.0
  • validator"

CSS Framework:

  • Material UI
  • MdbReact

Structure of Code and Functions

Front-End - Client folder

  • public folder
    • assets folder - contains images used in the readme file
    • index.html - with react does not contain much code but necessary external links for library sources. It interacts with App.js
  • src folder - this is the meat of react and holds most of the front-end code
    • components folder - all the html components that require some custom props and sometimes custom css have their own folder. Folders will sometimes contain multipled components. In each folder is a jsx file. These components are set-up this way so that they can be imported and used in whatever page requires them.
    • history folder - contains a jsx file that imports the createBrowserHistory function from the 'history' component of react. This is then imported in certain files inorder to navigate to various pages based on specific conditions
    • images folder - this folder contains the logo images.
    • pages folder - Contains all the jsx files for each page in the app
      • pageStyle folder - contains two css files one for login and one for the search
      • utils folder
        • api.js - contains all the client side axios calls to the api.
        • customFunctions.js - contains any custom function that is used on the client side such as date formatting and image conversion to base64 string. These functions are then imported when necessary
        • RootContext.js - this is a necessary file when using useContext hook in react. App was initial designed with it but proved uneccassry. File left in as a reminded of where it can go in structure when using useContext.
    • App.jsx - where routes of the single page app are declared. Also where history is imported and passed in as prop to router. This page establishes all the routing for user and react.
    • index.css - contains all css that is global to the app
    • Index.jsx - beginning of the app. App.jsx is imported into it and a react render is created.


  • controllers folder
    • classroomController.js - contains all server methods that interact with the classroom, announcement, assignment, comment schemas in the database
    • functions.js - contains all customer functions that are used in the controllers
    • purgatoryController.js - contains custom functions used specifically with user validation and security.
    • userController.js - contains all server methods that interact with the user schema in the database. Deals with creating JWT tokens for the user login sessions, hashing the password into database, user verification, etc.
  • models folder
    • announcement.js - code for monggoDb to create announcement schema. This is a many to one relationship with announcements and register
    • assignment.js - code to create assignment schema. Many to one relationship with classrooms.
    • classrooms.js - code to create classroom schema. One to many relationship with Users and Assignments.
    • comments.js - code to create comments schema. This is many to one relationship with announcements.
    • index.js - file that exports all the schemas to be received by root server index.js file
    • register.js code to create the users schema. This is a one to many with classrooms.
  • routes folder - this folder has two different formats for creating server code to received the client side routes.
    • classRoutes folder
      • index.js - class related routes are received here and sent to classRoomRoutes.js
      • classRoomRoutes.js - routes are broken out here and specific classRoomController method that is needed is called in this file under the specific route.
    • index.js - all user routes are received here and taken directly to the userController. Classroom routes are received here and taken into classRoutes folder
  • scripts folder - contains seed data used during development

Things To Improve On

  • Add ability for comment value to be emptied upon submitting it
  • Add Ability to save attachments for assignments
  • Add ability for students to submit work for assignments
  • Add ability to remove and edit assignments
  • Add ability to remove & edit grades
  • Add default value for select button
  • Add a search by course discipline instead of search by subject
  • Using react-scheduler to add a schedule page for the teacher to create a class schedule
  • Breaking down server side set-up with routes and controllers to be more schema specific and therefore easier to find desired code in files

MERN heroku repo created username and password for mLab also created connection with remote database established via robo3T

Security Considerations

Authentication vs Authorization

  • Authentication

    • Who are you?
    • Login with email and password
  • Authorization

    • What are you allowed to do?
    • Check user rights

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

  • Access Token Standard
  • Structured and Stateless
  • Used for authorization and secure info exchange
  • Statelessly handle user authentication
    • Renders need to reference a session or database obsolete
  • Base64 encoded
  • Pronounced "JOT"
  • Cryptographically signed
    • If tampering occurs authorized status immediately revoked; signature invalid if modified in any way
  • Always encoded, can be encrypted
  • Open standard (RFC 7519) defining a compact and self-contained method for securely transmitting info between parties as a JSON object

Anatomy of a JWT - Three Parts

  • Header
    • Describes the token
    • Specifies type of token and hash algorithm used to create token's content
  • Body
    • Payload
    • Contains user information known as "claims"
    • Information that JWT claiming to be true about user
    • Commonly includes name and timestamp reflecting JWT issue time
    • Token expiration time
  • Signature (cryptographically signed in this app)
    • Verifies integrity of token
    • Ensures content is uncompromised (hasn't been tampered with)

Base64 Encoded

JWT Example (Header.Body.Signature)

  • Encoded (ASCII--American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
    • Header:
      • eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.
    • Payload (Body):
      • eyJfaWQiOiI1ZThhMzFmZDRiMmQ0NTE2NjQ2YTFkYzUiLCJ0eXBlIjoidGVhY2hlciIsImZpcnN0TmFtZSI6Ikt5bGllIiwibGFzdE5hbWUiOiJNb25zdGVyIiwiZW1haWwiOiJLeWxlQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsIklEIjoia21vbnN0ZXdvbWUxIiwiY3JlYXRlRGF0ZSI6IjIwMjAtMDQtMDVUMTk6MzE6MDkuMjk3WiIsIl9fdiI6MCwiaWF0IjoxNTg2MTczMDU4LCJleHAiOjIxOTA5NzMwNTh9.
    • Signature:
      • 9m0_s_N7T6WE9JfN9gZbQ_k8sEmPvIXszQlLvVk7WUU

Cookies vs Local Storage -- JWTs on Client Side

  • Local storage vulnerable to cross-site-scripting (XSS) attacks
    • Attacker can inject malicious javascript into app
    • Larger attack surface area
    • Can impact all application users on successful attack
  • Cookies vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
    • Attacker can perform actions via an authenticated user
    • Similar to how viruses use capsids to infiltrate immune system undetected
  • This React app has a dedicated server so JWTs are stored in an HttpOnly Cookie w/ secure flag enabled
    • protects from cross-site scripting (XSS)
    • secure flag ensures cookie only sent over https
    • such cookies cannot be accessed by JavaScript
    • Hence, why they're generated on a server
    • Can make CSRF protection stateless by including a xsrfToken JWT claim

Password Hashing

  • Bcryptjs was used for password hashing
    • Implemented when a new user is created
    • 10 rounds of salting
    • Unhashed password is never stored in the database
    • all objects performing res.json have hashed passwords deliberately deleted from clones

Generating environmental secrets

  • open terminal in vscode
    • type: node
    • hit: enter
  • this opens up node terminal
    • type: require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex')
    • hit: enter
  • this returns a 122 character string in hexadecimal
    • 1 Byte = 8 bits;
    • 512 random bits (64 Bytes) used in crypto secret generation
    • example:
      • 'ed3797711bd78a72186fae8b8200bca2e9e14bce3eba46a5797b3bb34f6e23ccac398ffc82fc4bf57d4afab2ffb1aa4a3357aede9f27bbb69d1150dd35'
Decimal 8-bit Binary Hexadecimal
0 0000 0000 00
1 0000 0001 01
2 0000 0010 02
3 0000 0011 03
4 0000 0100 04
5 0000 0101 05
6 0000 0110 06
7 0000 0111 07
8 0000 1000 08
9 0000 1001 09
10 0000 1010 0A
11 0000 1011 0B
12 0000 1100 0C
13 0000 1101 0D
14 0000 1110 0E
15 0000 1111 0F
16 0001 0000 10
17 0001 0001 11
18 0001 0010 12
19 0001 0011 13
20 0001 0100 14
21 0001 0101 15
22 0001 0110 16
23 0001 0111 17
24 0001 1000 18
25 0001 1001 19
26 0001 1010 1A
27 0001 1011 1B
28 0001 1100 1C
29 0001 1101 1D
30 0001 1110 1E
31 0001 1111 1F
32 0010 0000 20
33 0010 0001 21
34 0010 0010 22
35 0010 0011 23
36 0010 0100 24
37 0010 0101 25
38 0010 0110 26
39 0010 0111 27
40 0010 1000 28
41 0010 1001 29
42 0010 1010 2A
43 0010 1011 2B
44 0010 1100 2C
45 0010 1101 2D
46 0010 1110 2E
47 0010 1111 2F
48 0011 0000 30
49 0011 0001 31
50 0011 0010 32
51 0011 0011 33
52 0011 0100 34
53 0011 0101 35
54 0011 0110 36
55 0011 0111 37
56 0011 1000 38
57 0011 1001 39
58 0011 1010 3A
59 0011 1011 3B
60 0011 1100 3C
61 0011 1101 3D
62 0011 1110 3E
63 0011 1111 3F
64 0100 0000 40
  • Note: can delete node_modules from terminal via rm -rf node_modules/


This app is an E-learning platform. There are two types of users: student & teachers. After login user is directed to a dashboard that renders the classes a user teaches and is a student in. Each classroom has its own individual page with the ability to add announcements and assignments to it as well as a gradebook that the teacher can only acce…








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  • JavaScript 96.6%
  • CSS 2.3%
  • HTML 1.1%