Miss WireMock in Java? This is the Nodejs sibling to WireMock. At least that is the goal!
Jswiremock is a flexible http api mocking library.
- Simple GET and POST requests can be mocked.
- Fixed and Dynamic URL stubs (ex: /account/:varying_var/get/)
- Fixed and Dynamic Query parameters (ex: /account/234234?active=:var&cool=true
$ npm install jswiremock
var jswiremocklib, jswiremock, stubFor, get, post, urlEqualTo, a_response;
jswiremocklib = require('../jswiremock'), jswiremock = jswiremocklib.jswiremock, stubFor = jswiremocklib.stubFor, get = jswiremocklib.get, post = jswiremocklib.post, urlEqualTo = jswiremocklib.urlEqualTo, a_response = jswiremocklib.a_response, stopJSWireMock = jswiremocklib.stopJSWireMock;
var jswiremock = new jswiremock(5001); //port
stubFor(jswiremock, get(urlEqualTo("/account/:varying_var/get/"))
.withHeader({"Content-Type": "application/json"})
stubFor(jswiremock, post(urlEqualTo("/login"), {username: "captainkirk", password: "enterprise"})
* Actual call to the stub below.
var request = require("request");
var assert = require('assert');
uri: "http://localhost:5001/account/4444321/get/",
method: "GET"
}, function(error, response, body) {
assert.strictEqual(body, "[{\"status\":\"success\"}]", 'get response is not the same.');
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