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Irina edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 1 revision

Differential mRNA expression in certain cell types of AS


The goals of this project were:

  • to explore a number of cell types potentially valuable for a better understanding of ankylosing spondylitis (one of which, GMCSF+IL17A+IFN-, was described for the first time);
  • to suggest a list of differentially expressed genes in healthy controls vs AS patients;
  • to suggest a list of affected pathways in healthy controls vs AS patients.
Project ID mRNA in AS
Status Ongoing
Dates 2015-2016
Publication Unplished
Ethics ???
Sample information  
Organism Human
Organism part Blood
Cell type CSF+, IL17A+, IFN+, IL17A+GMCSF+IFN-, CD45RA+Cyt
Experimental conditions healthy volunteers and patients with AS
Phenotype Healthy and Ankylosing spondylitis
Sample source ???

Available data

Sequencing project ID Data type Platform Repository name *1 Repository ID *2 Data release status Analysis *3 Script Repository
P150188 mRNA sequencing Illumina Hiseq4000 on rescomp1: /well/jknight/Irina/Hussein_mRNA_GMCSF/ ??? NA differential expression of mRNA; pathway analysis
  • *1 - Name of public data repository to which data has been submitted
  • *2 - ID assigned by repository
  • *3 - Brief description of analysis. Include links to scripts in Git repository and pages describing results where possible.
Contact information  
Contact1, name and email Irina Pulyakhina, [email protected]