As title. There is also Python version, see repo: pythonalgr.
- Result: beat 32%. Time Complexity: O(n*n), Space Complexity: O(1)
- Better solution?
- Beats 30%. Not good. Time Complexity: O(n). More better way?
- Encounter some issues about char <-> Character (when Character is null.)
- My way is too ugly. There is more concise and efficient way.
- Only beats 6% with Time Complexity: O(2n), Space Complexity: O(1)
- Second solution beats 64%. Time Complexity: O(n). Space Complexity: O(n).
- For second solution, Learned:
- Keep eye on target result: 000011112222. Reason out the solution from answer structure.
- try see the problem from different views. Different views may bring out simple solution.
- My way is OK.
- Linked List basic operation: split it to two halves in place.
- Sentinel element: use a fake head to avoid null check when you want to append element to list. Make program more clear.
- Use the pen to write done every loop. Loop check condition, Loop initial var status, Loop Action, Loop Update.
Loop: <Condition for continue>
<Vars values in this timpe loop>
<Checks and Action>
<Update which data (loop vars, related data structes) after this iteration>
Loop 0: XXX
Loop 1: XXX
Loop 2: Complete(condition is not satisfied)
- Beats 80%. Time Complexity: O(1), Space Complexity: O(n).
- I got this answer from some book.
- Result: beats 79%. Complexity Analysis: Time Complexity: insert/search O(len(word)), startsWith: O(len(prefix)). Space complexity: O(number of unique chars in input).
- I feel that it is easy to implement and should be a Easy question. However, it is marked as Medium.
- TODO: application of trie tree, suffix tree:
- Use two stacks to simulate the way human's brain how to compute the expression.
- One stack is for operand, another stack is for operators. It is binary operation.
- Result: beats 90%. push() O(1), pop() O(n), top() O(1). × Easy one.
- Result: not stable. Just tried solution provided other guys. Amortized time complexity O(1) for both operation: push, peek, pop.
*First try failed: Time Limit Exceeded.
- More details check source code.
* Follow the Solutions. Use bucket sort.
* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(n).
* The bucket sort in this solution have two important attributes:
* 1. It is like a map.
* 2. It is also have order.
* With these two attributes, it bring us the performance.
* Comparing with map, the key is not in order, unless use TreeHashMap,
* even use TreeMap, you have to build the tree with O(nlgn) time compexity. Still slower.
* Reference:
* @param s
* @return
public String frequencySort(String s) {
- Refernce
- But it also has flaw: think about if the max frequence is very big, so you need big array. Check the code for details.