I'm a full-stack web developer and author living near Bandung, Indonesia.
My tech summary experience
- backend: laravel, nestjs and golang.
- frontend: svelte and vue.
- database: mysql, postgres, redis
- deployment: ansible and docker stuff.
- cloud: aws, google cloud, alibaba cloud, oracle cloud and linode.
I also work as a freelance. I'm happy talking both technology and business, and can help you with application development and deployment. If you're interested in working together you can find out more here.
Beyond that, I developed some open-source project in github, If you've got any questions, suggestions, or would like to discuss a project then please email me or get in touch on any of the platforms below. I'd be happy to hear from you.
thanks for the supportπ€
- frontend nuxtjs ssr
- frontend vuejs spa
- backend golang restapi
- monolith laravel livewire filament
- WIP: monolith golang fiber inertia vue
- frontend svelte landing page labkita.my.id
- Laravel Filament Simple Role and Permission filament resources scaffolding for simple role and permission
- Laravel Vien vue component scaffolding for inertia vue stack
- Laravel Recaptcha v3
- Laravel Quran integration with kemenag api
- Laravel Prayertime integration with kemenag api and manual calculation
- Laravel Logdesk debugger tools use with logdesk app
- Filament suitcms plugin filament plugin provide some filament resources (spatie role/permission, setting, seometa and admin)
- Laravel Fileupload Livewire Component livewire component for fileupload using spatie medialibrary
- Laravel Argotunnel integrate tcp connection with cloudflare zero trust networks
- micro php framework learning to build micro php framework, not done yet
- Laravel Serversideup
- ansible apps deployment some ansible configuration for my home server to deploy some app
- dns over https
- dns manager bind9
- frontend Persis.or.id source data: from 3rd party api
- monolith todoapps rest api contoh project monolith menggunakan sveltekit