A time series anomaly generation tool for quickly generating anomalies in time series machine learning problems.
- The lack of labelled data severely hinders progress in anomaly detection development due to unreliable performance evaluation.
- TSAG generates different classes of anomalies to evaluate classification performance on different anomaly types.
- Many machine learning techniques require much anomalous training data to be sufficiently performant in anomaly classification.
- TSAG generates different types of anomalies, enabling Root Cause Analysis of detected anomalies.
pip install tsag
# Create a reference template time series
n = 10
template = timeseries[:n]
from tsag import PointAnomaly
# Generate point anomaly
point_anomaly = PointAnomaly(template)
# Insert generated anomaly into time series data
augmented_timeseries = point_anomaly.insert(timeseries, index=None)
from tsag import FrequencyShiftAnomaly, AmplitudeShiftAnomaly, RangeShiftAnomaly, CompoundAnomaly
args = [
# [Generator, {Arguments}],
[FrequencyShiftAnomaly, {'ratio': 1/3}],
[AmplitudeShiftAnomaly, {'ratio': 1/3}],
[RangeShiftAnomaly, {'ratio': 1/2}],
# Generate compound anomaly
compound_anomaly = CompoundAnomaly(template, *args)
# Insert generated anomaly into time series data
augmented_timeseries = compound_anomaly.insert(template, index=None)