- Start docker container
docker-compose up -d
- Install dependencies
docker exec apache-php bash -c 'composer install'
docker exec apache-php bash -c 'composer install --working-dir=tools/php-cs-fixer'
- Access to
# Access to container "apache-php"
docker-compose exec apache-php sh
# Execute command
docker exec apache-php bash -c 'bin/console cache:clear'
# Build a start container
docker-compose up -d --build apache-php
# Stop containers (but no remove)
docker-compose stop
# Stop containers and remove
docker-compose down
For add a new one, from
Select: "From Docker, Vagrant, VM, Remote" Remote: "Docker Compose" Server: "Docker" Configuration file: ./docker-compose.yml Service: "webapp"
Select your CLI Interpreter defined in the previous step
It is crucial to define the path mapping for the vendor folder: