A list of OpenCV demos
- OpenCV3.4.5 and contrib
- Boost(1.68).filesystem
A demo demonstrates how to use feature detector, find transform matrix , warp img, and stitch together. You can choose mbb blending.
usage: ./stitch img0.jpg img1.jpg img2.jpg..., note img should be ordered from left to right.
A demo just like Stitch, but use SiftGPU to extract features. SiftGPU is A GPU implementation of David Lowe's Scale Invariant Feature Transform, writeen by Changchang wu.
This demo demostrates how to track object. We assemble opencv trackers and Staple tracker. Type ./track help
for more information.
Supported algorithm list as below:
- Boosting, OpenCV
- KCF, OpenCV
- MIL, OpenCV
- TLD, OpenCV
- MedianFlow, OpenCV
- Staple, copy src from github, written by xuduo35.
Use OpenCV DNN module to do yolov3 object detect.
Please download yolov3 cfg file, class name and weight file for cnn forward.Type ./detection help
for more infomation.
Use OpenCV HOGDescriptor and visualize.
test OpenCV gaussian filter and bilateral filter.
test Histgram match and remap.