Python script to convert our text into speech with gtts and playsound modules
This is puthon script convert our text into mp3 and play in cmd. you just neet to download and run program
but for this you need two python modules 1.gtts -google text to speech module if you dont have this module just open you cmd and write command-
pip install gtts
2.playsound -it use to play mp3 in cmd that mean we dont need to open our midea player again and again... if you don't have this open cmd and write command
pip install playsound
for this whole thing you need your internet connection is on because gtts work when you online... if your internet connection is not on then it will give you error..
also you can add wellcome voice-for this you need you remove playsound(wellcome) comment and write your mp3 address in place of wellcome....