This Vagrantfile create 3 machines, one with the roles "master" and "infra" and other two with the "node" role.
Everything is installed during the provisioning stage unless the two steps necessary to install OKD:
- prerequisites.yml
- deploy_cluster.yml
The ansible on master machine is preconfigured with the keys and the hosts to access the other machines without problems.
Some configurations on the inventory /etc/ansible/hosts was added to overcome problems with default NAT interface that vagrant creates:
- openshift_ip
- openshift_public_ip
- openshift_public_hostname
- openshift_metrics_install_metrics
- openshift_logging_install_logging
- openshift_enable_olm
- ansible_service_broker_install
- template_service_broker_install
Each machine in Vagrantfile uses 2 cpu cores. The master is configured to use 2GiB of RAM and the node ones 1GiB.
After provisioning step, enter in the master via ssh, and run the two playbooks responsible to prepare the nodes and deploy OKD:
vagrant ssh master
sudo ansible-playbook /root/openshift-ansible/playbooks/prerequisites.yml
sudo ansible-playbook /root/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml
If you want to access the webconsole you can add the hostname and ip address on /etc/hosts:
sudo su
echo ' master.okd.os' >> /etc/hosts