e2xvfb Docker image fork from https://github.com/technic/e2xvfb
Run enigma2 application via SDL under Xvfb xserver.
If you want to be able to connect to the image with vnc first start it with
docker run --rm -p 5900:5900 --name enigma2_box jbleyel/e2xvfbatv x11vnc -forever
Then to start enigma2 in the container use
docker exec -e ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=5 enigma2_box enigma2
Finally, to stop and remove the container use
docker stop enigma2_box
We also support RESOLUTION
environment variable for Xvfb.
To allow ftp you need to add:
-p 21:21 -p 20:20 -p 21100-21110:21100-21110
to docker run command.
To allow ssh you need to add:
-p 22:22
to docker run command.
- Ubuntu 24.04
- openATV enigma2 branch master
- Python 3.12
- default and MetrixHD skin
- several enigma2-plugins and oe-aliance-plugins