JSonFeedParser is built using MVP (Model View Presenter) and Clean Architecture concepts. It uses http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts url for displaying the Posts screen data and http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments?postId=1 url for displaying the details screen data.
Application contains Unit Tests for UseCases, Presenters, Repositories and basic UI Tests for Posts and Detail screen.
- Unit Tests for Core Data
- Custom Error Handling for specific error codes and Reachability check before hitting api request.
- Use Swifter for UITests as a mock server. I have not used it at this point as the application is only performing the GET operation and hitting the actual url also serves as an End-to-End test. Mock server is recommended when performing any operations which alters the DB.
- Can introduce Reactive framework when application grows and use other features with MVVM+Rx pattern