Added support for custom templates and scripts.
$ raml-fleece -h
Usage: src/main.js [input] [options]
--bare, -b Omits top level HTML elements and styles if true.
[default: false]
--postmanId, -p Add Postman Collection ID [default: false]
Custom Templates:
--template-documentation Path to custom documentation template
(overwrites) [string]
--template-index path to custom index template (overwrites)
--template-before-main path to custom before main template [string]
--template-main path to custom main template (overwrites)
--template-after-main path to custom after main template [string]
--template-parameters path to custom parameters template
(overwrites) [string]
--template-resource path to custom resource template
(overwrites) [string]
--template-securityScheme path to custom security scheme template
(overwrites) [string]
--template-tableOfContents path to custom table of contents template
(overwrites) [string]
--template-after-tableOfContents path to custom after table of contents
template [string]
Custom Styles:
--before-style Custom before style sheet (LESS) [string]
--style Custom style sheet (LESS) (overwrites) [string]
--after-style Custom after style sheet (LESS) [string]
src/main.js myDocs.raml > myDocs.html
src/main.js myDocs.raml -b > myDocs.html
RAML file required