ZooKeeper Configured Akka Actors
resolvers += "Janrain Releases" at "https://janrain.artifactoryonline.com/janrain/janrain-releases"
resolvers += "Janrain Snapshots" at "https://janrain.artifactoryonline.com/janrain/janrain-snapshots"
libraryDependencies += "com.janrain" %% "akka-zk" % "0.2-SNAPSHOT"
Note: These repositories are currently private, and require credentials!
package com.janrain.akka.zk.example
import concurrent._, duration._
import akka.actor.{Props, ActorSystem, ActorLogging, Actor}
import com.janrain.akka.zk.{ZkConfigExtension, DefaultDataUnmarshallers}
object ZkConfigExample extends App {
case object Poke
class ZkConfigExampleActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with DefaultDataUnmarshallers {
import ZkConfigExtension._
override def preStart() = {
ZkConfigExtension(context.system).subscribe("/test", andChildren = true)
def waitingForConfig(): Receive = {
case Subscribed(_, path) ⇒
log.debug(s"subscribed to $path")
case cv@ConfigValue(path, _) ⇒
cv.dataAs[String] map { config ⇒
log.debug(s"$path: $config")
context become (waitingForConfig() orElse configured(config))
def configured(config: String): Receive = {
case Poke ⇒
log.debug(s"doing something with my config, which is: $config")
def receive = waitingForConfig()
implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("ZkConfigExample")
import actorSystem.dispatcher
val actorRef = actorSystem actorOf Props[ZkConfigExampleActor]
actorSystem.scheduler.schedule(1.second, 5.seconds, actorRef, Poke)
- handle znode removal
- better error handling