This release contains the following changes:
- The new Facebook API download has changed for messages - instead of simply returning a
file, the download is batched into several files containing 10,000 messages each. This release addresses this by loading all these messages when the content is requested. Under consideration is a user definable limit on the maximum amount of message files to be loaded at one time. - Security updates have been applied to relevant dependencies, including handlebars.
- Other dependencies have been updated to prevent excess logs in the console when developing and to provide better future compatibility (semantic-ui, react-router...)
- Small code style changes
Please find the binaries below:
For Windows:
- EffBee.0.18.0.msi
- EffBee.Setup.0.18.0.exe
For Mac OSX:
- EffBee-0.18.0.dmg
- EffBee-0.18.0.AppImage
For Linux:
- effbee-analyser_0.18.0_amd64.deb
- effbee-analyser-0.18.0.x86_64.rpm
- effbee-analyser_0.18.0_amd64.snap