Cellular Energetics Analysis Software
Analysis and visualization of cellular energetics data from Agilent Seahorse XF96. Cellular energetics is how cells make, use, and distribute units of energy (primarily ATP). Measuring real-time cellular energetics is essential to understanding a tissue or cell’s bioenergetic state and fuel dependencies. The Seahorse machine measures a cell’s or matrix’s oxygen consumption rate (OCR) – a proxy of oxidative phosphorylation – and extracellular acidification rate – a proxy of glycolysis. This package offers flexible and fast analysis and plotting capabilities for such data using the methods described by Mookerjee et al. (2017).
'ceas' is pronounced like the word 'seas' (siːz, SEEZ).
You can install the release or development versions from GitHub by cloning the
repo. The code on the main
branch is in sync with the CRAN releases while the
branch has the latest updates. Documentation for the dev branch can be
found on the dev page of the website
git clone https://github.com/jamespeapen/ceas/
git clone -b dev https://github.com/jamespeapen/ceas/ # dev version
You can also use the R devtools
devtools::install_github("jamespeapen/ceas", ref = "dev") # dev version
or pak
pak::pkg_install("jamespeapen/ceas@dev") # dev version
A user guide is available on the package website. Bug reports may be submitted through GitHub issues.
Submit patches using GitHub pull requests or by sending a patch file to [email protected]. We follow the tidyverse style guide using styler and lintr.