A collection of Sublime Text code snippets for writing CSS.
Clone the repository into your packages folder.
git clone [email protected]:omeichim/CSS-sublimetext-snippets.git
The following commands will activate with the use of the Tab button. Every command has been prefixed with the letter z to avoid interference with any other snippets. Snippets will only work in CSS format documents, including Sass, LESS, and Stylus stylesheets.
- z@font-face
- zabsolute-center_background
- zabsolute-center_img
- zanimation-delay
- zanimation-direction
- zanimation-duration
- zanimation-iteration-count
- zanimation-name
- zanimation
- zanimation-timing-function
- zbackground
- zbackground-clip
- zbackground-origin
- zbackground-size
- zborder-bottom-left-radius
- zborder-bottom-right-radius
- zborder-image
- zborder-radius
- zborder-top-left-radius
- zborder-top-right-radius
- zbox-reflect
- zbox-shadow
- zhiding
- zhelvetica
- zkeyframes
- zlinear-gradient
- zlink-rollover
- zradial-gradient
- zrotate
- zrotatex
- zrotatey
- zscale
- zscale3d
- zskew
- zstitched
- ztext-shadow
- ztransition
- ztranslate
- ztranslate3d
MIT http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
| GitHub: jamesmichiemo | Twitter: @omeichim |