This widget works similarly to mask but within a contenteditable div rather than an input. The advantage in doing so is that the styling of the dividers can be manipulated as a result so that we are left with a mask that can have as many as 3 styles at once.
jQuery, underscore.js
add widget with jQuery(selector).maskDiv(options)
remove widget with jQuery(selector).maskDiv('remove')
mask - an array of text specifying the non divider text, example ['MM', 'DD', 'YYYY']
mask_matchers - an array of text specifying the non-divider text matchers
- options
- 9 - any number
- a - any letter
- any letter or number (default)
divider - a string to denote the divider to place between the mask text strings ie: '/'
divider_class - the html class to use for the divider
unedited_char_class - the html class to use for text in the mask that has not yet been changed by the user
edited_char_class - the html class to use for text that has been changed by the user
onFocus - an additional event to be called when focusing on the div (note that onFocus should be disabled outside of what is passed to this property or they will be called multiple times
onBlur - an additional event to be called when losing focus on the div (the same note for onFocus applies here)