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What is scirocco?

scirocco is a (new?) turn on building function-based backend services: Each function will be split into different phases:

  1. Data-Extraction (method name: extract): The required Data for the callback is extracted from the request.
  2. Format-Validation (method name: guard): The extracted Data will be validated if format constraints are met.
  3. Execution (method name: callback): The callback will be called with the extracted Data.


The current version is based on expressjs thus all middleware is compatible with scirocco's own router. In fact, most of the routing-ideology of expressjs is still kept to allow better compatibility. Using Typescript and the es6 async/await syntax, callbacks are way more readable and the "normal" expressjs look (so called callback-hell) is a thing of the past. Furthermore, classes bring a more structured architecture into your application (we do not force you to use classes. In fact, we also export the necessary functions to code the handlers in a functional-way). Another great thing is semantic error throwing: (just import scirocco's own error and then you can do the following: throw Errors.NotFoundError from within any of the 3 phases)


// sample.ts

import { Request } from "express";
import { ApplicationRouter, createHandler, RequestHandler, scirocco } from "./";

// class-style request handler
class SimpleRequestHandler extends RequestHandler<Request, { name: string }, { account: { id: string }}> {
    public extract(request: Request): { name: string; } {
        return ({ name: });
    public guard(source: any): source is { name: string; } {
        return typeof source === "object" &&
            "name" in source && typeof === "string";
    public callback(source: { name: string; }): { account: { id: string; }; } {
        return ({ account: { id: }});


// functional-style request handler
const handler = createHandler<Request, { name: string }, { account: { id: string }}>(
    (request) => ({ name: }),
    (source): source is { name: string } => typeof source === "object" && "name" in source,
    (source) => ({ account: { id: }}));

const app = new scirocco();

app.get("/", new SimpleRequestHandler().obtainHandler())
    .description("gets an account from the database by a given name");

app.get("/name", handler)
    .description("gets an account from the database by a given name");

export const application = app;

Then you just need to compile your code and call it with the scirocco-cli (featuring cluster-mode!):

user@pc:~/$ scirocco start ./sample.js --verbose --cluster 5 --pport 8080 --force

└─┐│  │├┬┘│ ││  │  │ │

> Importer[./sample.js] found handlers (total of 1 on root level)
      - get-account-from-name    [GET /    ]: gets an account from the database by a given name
      - get-account-from-name-v2 [GET /name]: gets a account from the database by a given name

> Master[23919] is running (planning 5 workers)
      - Worker[23931] is running
      - Worker[23949] is running
      - Worker[23925] is running
      - Worker[23938] is running
      - Worker[23937] is running