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Releases: jakehawken/Concurrency

2.0.0 for Pod

01 Jan 02:05
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  • Updated Future<T> to Future<T,E> (including strongly-typed error) and did the same to Promise.
  • Added mapping methods mapResult(_:), mapValue(_:), mapError(_:), and flatMap(_:) for mapping the results of these futures.
  • Replaced Concurrency's Result with an extension full of convenience methods on Swift's Result.
  • Added MapError<T,E,Q> type
  • Added then(_:) method for chaining serial futures together.
  • Renamed joining(_:) to zip(_:) and added a firstFinished(from:) method.
  • More comprehensive test coverage.
  • Added extensive documentation to all the public properties and methods on Promise, Future, MapError, their extensions, and the Result extensions.

1.2.2 for Pod

22 Jun 16:59
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Updated for Swift 5 syntax and added SwiftLint.

1.2.1 for Pod

27 May 01:18
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  • Updated the project to Swift 4.2 / iOS 11.
  • Removed RxSwift add-on, and thus removed the RxSwift dependency.
  • Changed the iOS target version on the test app.
  • Removed references to removed code from the README which were still in the last release accidentally.

1.2.0 for Pod

27 May 00:32
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Updated the project to Swift 4.2 / iOS 11. Removed RxSwift add-on, and thus removed the RxSwift dependency.

1.1.1 for Pod

27 Oct 00:00
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Removed the requirement on StreamState for T to be Equatable.

1.1.0 for Pod

24 Oct 20:21
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  • Updated static cantMap(value:toType:)->NSError method on NSError to return an error that is more debugger friendly (prints a helpful, human-readable description), and that conforms to standard practices with regard to the 'domain' property.
  • Added thenFuture<Q>(_ futureBlock:(T)->(Future<Q>)) -> Future<Q> method. Allows a future to trigger the initiation of a new future on success. Example:
let tFuture: Future<T> = methodThatReturnsTFuture()
tFuture.thenFuture { (tValue) -> Future<Q> in
  return methodThatReturnQFuture(withT: tValue)
// When `tFuture` resolves, `methodThatReturnQFuture(withT:)`
// will be called with the success value.

1.0.4 for Pod

23 Oct 15:20
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HOTFIX: resolve(_:) and reject(_:) on Promise weren't public. They are now. Fixed.

1.0.3 for Pod

23 Oct 14:46
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HOTFIX: This should be the last of these hotfixes. Made the future property on Promise public.

1.0.2 for Pod

23 Oct 14:33
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HOTFIX: Oops, I did it again. Though I marked all the relevant classes and methods public in the last release, I forgot to mark the initializers public! Oops! Fixed.

1.0.1 for Pod

23 Oct 14:15
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Bugfix: Relevant classes were marked as internal rather than public. Fixed this.