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Navigation Table:

  1. What is IRC protocole.
  2. Network System calls
    1. What is a Socket
    2. Types of Internet Sockets
    3. System Calls
  3. ft_IRC Usage
    1. Running the Server
    2. Running the Bot
  4. Available Commands
  5. Authers & Final Mark
  6. Subject

What is IRC protocole?

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a text-based chat system for instant messaging. IRC is designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-on-one communication via private messages as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing.Read more

Network System calls we used:

Before start building we need of course to know the core finctionalties of some Network system calls as well.

What is a socket?

  • socket is a way to speak to other programs using standard Unix file descriptors.
  • those files are special designed for network communication.
  • For now rise the quation, How we get those kind of files?
  • By a simple discription "socket()" system call came to take care of creating for us an endpoint for that pertuculer communication and return back a socket descriptor. by now you can communicaye through it using that socket by "send()" and "recv()" calls. keep in mind that u can use "read()" and "write()" but the previous ones offer much greater control over your data transmission.

Types of Internet Sockets

  1. TCP Sockets or Stream Sockers.
    • TCP sockets provide reliable, connection-oriented communication between processes over a network.
    • They guarantee that data will be delivered in the same order it was sent and without errors.
    • TCP sockets establish a connection before transferring data, ensuring a reliable stream of data between the client and server.
    • They are suitable for applications where data integrity and order are crucial, such as web browsing, email, file transfer (e.g., FTP), and remote shell access (e.g., SSH).
  2. UDP Sockets or Datagram Sockets.
    • UDP sockets provide unreliable, connectionless communication between processes over a network.
    • They do not guarantee delivery or order of data and do not perform error checking or correction.
    • UDP sockets are more lightweight and have lower overhead compared to TCP sockets, making them suitable for real-time applications where low latency is more critical than data reliability.
    • They are commonly used in applications such as online gaming, streaming media, DNS (Domain Name System), and voice/video conferencing.
  3. Raw Sockets.
    • Raw sockets allow direct access to network protocols at the transport layer (e.g., IP, ICMP). They provide low-level access to network packets and are often used for network monitoring, packet sniffing, and protocol development.
  4. Unix Domain Sockets.
    • Unix domain sockets provide communication between processes on the same host using the file system namespace instead of the network stack. They are used for inter-process communication (IPC) on Unix-like operating systems and offer higher performance and security than TCP or UDP sockets.


  1. socket() :

    • Get for u the file Descriptor, in case of a failure it retuen "-1"
  2. bind() :

    • It has a crucial role by associatting the socket within specific network address and port number.
  3. setsocketopt() ;

    • The setsockopt() function sets options associated with a socket. Options can exist at multiple protocol levels.
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    int setsockopt(int socket, int level, int option_name,
    			const void *option_value, socklen_t option_length);
    Parameter Description
    socket The socket descriptor.
    level The level for which the option is being set.
    option_name The name of a specified socket option.
    option_value The pointer to option data.
    option_length The length of the option data.
  4. Listen() :

    • Before you can accept incoming connections on a socket, you need to inform the operating system that the socket will be used for listening. This is where the listen() function comes in.
  5. accept() :

    • Is a fundamental function in socket programming that allows a server to accept incoming connections from clients, creating a new socket for each accepted connection and enabling bidirectional communication between the server and client
    	#include <sys/types.h>
    	#include <sys/socket.h>
    	int accept(int socket, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
    Parameter Description
    socket The listen()ing socket descriptor
    addr The struct the holds infos about incomming connection.
    addrlen The lenght of sockaddr struct.
  6. send()/recv()

    • These two functions are for communicating over stream sockets or connected datagram sockets.
  7. poll()—Synchronous I/O Multiplexing

    • to monitor multiple file descriptors (such as sockets, pipes, or files) for events without blocking the execution of the program.
    #include <poll.h>
    int poll(struct pollfd fds[], nfds_t nfds, int timeout);
    Parameter Description
    fds The array of information (which sockets to monitor for what)
    addr The count of elements in the array
    timeout The timeout in milliseconds

ft_IRC Usage:

Running the server:

Run the makefile then wait for the project to compile until the executable is ready, you will find it in bin directory after that, you can run the server as follows:

    ./ircserv <Port> <PassWord>

N.B : You can connect to the server using the netcat command nc or the client used as reference which is LimeChat.

Running the bot:

To run the bot you can run the make bot and than wait for the executable to be ready which you can find in bot/bin directory, and you can use it as follows:

    ./bot < Server Name | Server IP > <Port> <PassWord> < 1 | 2 >

which the last parameter determines which type of bot you want to use. 1- is Informer(Emet) bot type which by useing it you can get BTC price by calling BTCPRICE (btcprice), or by using DATE (date) as a command you get the date of the day. 2- is ANONYMSG as the name suggest it help a user to send a completly annonymous msg to another user.

N.B : If you are using another OS rather than macOS you may need to Download the curl library:

  sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Running with Docker Compose:

  1. Build and Start the Server and Bot:

    Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed. Navigate to the root directory of your project, then run:

    docker-compose up --build -d
  2. Show logs

    make C=container_name logs 
    container_name Description
    irc_server Attach terminal to irc_server logs
    anonymous_bot Attach terminal to anonymous_bot logs
    btc_price_bot Attach terminal to btc_price_bot logs

N.B : if C didnt specified the default is irc_server

Available commands:

Commands Usage Discription
PASS pass <PassWord> The PASS command is used to set a ‘connection password’.
NICK nick <NickName> The NICK command is used to give the client a nickname or change the previous one.
USER user <username> 0 * <realname> The USER command is used at the beginning of a connection to specify the username and realname of a new user.
JOIN join <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}] This command is used to join an existing channel or create a new one if it does not exist
PART part <channel> <reason> The PART command removes the client from the given channel. On sending a successful PART command, the user will receive a PART message from the server for each channel they have been removed from. reason is the reason that the client has left the channel.
KICK kick <channel> <user> <reason> The KICK command can be used to request the forced removal of a user from a channel. It causes the user to be removed from the channel by force.
QUIT quit <reason> The QUIT command is used to terminate a client’s connection to the server.
TOPIC topic <channel> [<topic>] The TOPIC command is used to change or view the topic of the given channel.
INVITE invite <user> <channel> The INVITE command is used to invite a user to a channel.
MODE mode <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]] The MODE command is used to set or remove options (or modes) from a given target.
PRIVMSG privmsg <targets>{,<targets>} <message> The PRIVMSG command is used to send private messages between users, as well as to send messages to channels.
ANONYMSG anonymsg <target> <message> This is on of the bots the command it sends the targeted user an anonymus message.
BTCPRICE btcprice This command is also a bot command it is used to know the live price of the BitCoin
DATE date This command is also a bot command it is used to know the date of the day

N.B: To know more about the commands and there usage you can go here.

Authers & Final mark:

This project was done by jaguar-ks, ahlyel-amine and bleuuone.
