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InstaNews is a one-page responsive website that shows different categories of news upon user selected. It displays 12 news article per section showing a brief intro about each news and on click it refers to the NewYork Times website for full content. This webpage accommodates for mobile, tablet and desktop. Getting data from NewYork times' API fetching with ajax. CSS transition makes it beautiful.
The following technologies were implemented to developing the one page responsive news website:-
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Git/Github
- Command Line
- Ajax
- eslint
- npm
- GULP is efficient in assisting in automated tasks enabling efficiency with less code
- Applying Sass syntax with media queries
- Creating elements dynamically and applying CSS using jQuery
- Making api request and fetch data
Message Input
This is News Portal Website. I used HTML, CSS and Javascript, jQuery, ajax, APIs, Gulp and SASS/SCSS.
This webpage is fully compatable across all browsers and devices.