Contains configuration for all my systems, Windows 11, MacOS, and Arch.
Dotfiles managed using YADM
- Neovim using LazyVim (sub repo:
- ZSH profile and plugin manager antigen
- Hyprland setup
- Arch setup
- MacOS setup (with homebrew)
- Arch:
- Pacman packages and AUR packages backed up under .config/pacman
- .config/slash contains mappings to configs for root directory, i.e .config/slash/etc/pacman.d/hooks should be copied to /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
- Mac:
- Homebrew packages can be installed by going to .config/brew and running
brew bundle
- Homebrew packages can be installed by going to .config/brew and running
- Ubuntu & WSL Ubuntu
- Apt backup/restore can be found in ~/.config/apt