a list of simple mapping tools for putting things on maps
Often people come to me with some very simple mapping needs: they just want to get some points on a web map, or maybe a few points and polygons. I'm so used to building fairly complicated mapping systems, I don't really know what to suggest for the simple use case. Here is a list of some options, so I know what to suggest next time someone asks.
- Google My Maps is what I used to use all the time. It still kinda works, but it's hard to find: https://www.google.com/mymaps
- https://mapme.com is a newer option, but requires a subscription
- http://CARTO.com (formerly known as CartoDB) is what I used for a long time, but their free plans have changed a while ago
- http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/ comes from the OSM community, I haven't used it much
- http://mapstory.org/ is not the same as ESRI Story Maps
- http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html ArcGIS Online, if you create a free "public account". Can also be used in ESRI Story Maps
- http://maphubs.com/ lets you upload data or draw new data using OSM's iD editor
- https://maphub.net/ simple tool for creating interactive maps supporting a wide range of basemaps
- https://mapjam.com/
- https://www.mapmakertool.com/free
- http://geojson.io is a quick way to make a GeoJSON, then host it on GitHub
- Mapbox now has some sample code to "Just Add Markers To A Map" or "JAMTAM": https://www.mapbox.com/help/marker-playground/
Please add new services to this list, and help me flesh out the ones I have! See CONTRIBUTING.md