Test-particle simulation of stochastic heating of particles interacting with a spectrum of Kinetic Alfvén waves. This implements the Boris pusher to move the particles through phase space.
See these papers for backgroud information:
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Low-Frequency Alfvén-Wave Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Stochastic Proton Heating by Kinetic-Alfvén-Wave Turbulence in Moderately High-β Plasmas
Others include:
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Reduced Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Radial evolution of stochastic heating in low-β solar wind
- The Enhancement of Proton Stochastic Heating in the near-Sun Solar Wind
- Hybrid-Kinetic Simulations of Ion Heating in Alfvénic Turbulence
Lastly, much of the code uses analytical expressions of Kinetic Alfvén Waves, which are phenomenally treated in this 1999 work by Joe Hollweg:
- This runs with OpenMP; this is not configured with MPI, so you must run it on a shared memory system
- OpenMP can be turned off by disabling the command around the particle loop starting, i.e.,
#pragma omp parallel for
. This is only recommended for local, small runs.
For large number of particles, run this on Trillian (Cray XE6m-200):
autoreconf -i
./configure CC=cc
qsub sh.qsub
is the file for the PBS (batch scheduler). Locally, this is not a concern, it looks like this:
#! /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=32
#PBS -j oe
aprun -d 32 ./sh_sim
can be uncommented in various locations (self explanatory) to include a fortran compiler. This must be noted with the configure command (above).