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IVue is a semantic component framework for Vue. It aims to provide clean, semantic and reusable components. iVue Created according to Google's Material Design Spec

Browser Support

IVue supports all modern browsers, including IE11 and Safari 9+ (using polyfills).

IVue utilizes features of ES2015/2017 that require the need to use polyfills for Internet Explorer 11 and Safari 9/10. If you are using vue-cli-3, this is done automatically for you. Otherwise, in your project directory, you can install babel-polyfill:

// my-project/
$ yarn add babel-polyfill
// OR
$ npm install babel-polyfill --save

It is important to include the plugin as early as possible within your main index.js file.

// my-project/src/index.js
import 'babel-polyfill'
new Vue()

It is recommended that you use babel-preset-env with the corresponding polyfill to ensure only the necessary polyfills are added to your application. For more information on babel-present-env, visit the documentation

$ yarn add @babel/preset-env -d
// OR
$ npm install @babel/preset-env --save-dev

Once installed, add the preset to your .babelrc or babel.config.js

// .babelrc
  "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]

// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: ['@babel/preset-env']

Unfortunately vue-cli-3 doesn't automatically bring IE11 compatibility in which you may encounter various errors (such as Symbol is not defined). To assist in resolving these errors you may need to manually add transpileDependencies parameter in vue.config.js

module.exports = {


Using npm:

 npm install ivue-material --save

Using a script tag for global use:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>

You can see the latest version resources at


import Vue from 'vue';
import IvueMaterial from 'ivue-material';


Using css via import:

import 'ivue-material/dist/styles/ivue.css';


Contribute: Contact us WeChat or via mail to [email protected]. PRs welcome!



Copyright (c) 2019-present, IVue