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HexaLingo - Language learning Never before was not that simple


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🎴 About

HexaLingo to innowacyjna aplikacja stworzona z myślą o skutecznej nauce różnych języków w szybki i przyjemny sposób. Dzięki prostemu interfejsowi oraz zaawansowanym funkcjom, HexaLingo zapewnia użytkownikom pełne wsparcie w zdobywaniu nowych umiejętności językowych. Naucz się 5 języków już teraz.

🃏 Ucz się z naszych Lingo kart

  • Skuteczna nauka słownictwa i zwrotów poprzez interaktywne fiszki oraz kontekstowe zdania.

🏷 Zapisuj swoje ulubione słówka

  • Dodawaj interesujące cię słówka do ulubionych, aby mieć szybki dostęp i zwiększyć skuteczność nauki.

🌜 Tryb ciemny - Dark mode

  • Rozwijaj swoje umiejętności językowe o każdej porze dnia i nocy, korzystając z funkcji trybu ciemnego.

🗒 Blog edukacyjny

  • Dodatkowa dawka wiedzy dzięki blogowi, który zawiera tematy związane z nauką języków obcych.

🛠️What I did

I developed a dynamic web application HexaLingo using ASP.NET Core MVC, showcasing proficiency in SQL for effective database management. Successfully deployed the application, configured secure database connections on the server, and administered a VPS running on Linux Alpine. Mastered both development and system administration aspects, achieving a well-rounded skill set.

🍃What I Learned

  • ASP.NET Core MVC: Proficient in web app development.

  • SQL and Database Management: Mastered complex SQL commands.

  • Deploying .NET Applications: Skills in .NET Core deployment and configuration.

  • Database Connection: Configured seamless connections on servers.

  • VPS Server Administration: Managed VPS servers effectively.

  • Linux Alpine: Practical experience with lightweight Linux for VPS.

🔥Application Structure

|-- HexaLingo
|   |
|   |-- wwwroot
|   |   |  |-- ...
|   |
|   |-- _bin
|   | 
|   |-- Controllers
|   |   |-- BlogController.cs
|   |   |-- DarkModeController.cs
|   |   |-- HomeController.cs
|   |   |-- WordController.cs
|   |
|   |-- Data
|   |  |-- HexaLingoDbContext.cs
|   |
|   |-- Migrations
|   |  |-- ...
|   |
|   |-- Models
|   |  |-- ErrorViewModel.cs
|   |  |-- Word.cs
|   |
|   |-- ViewModels
|   |  |-- ...
|   |
|   |-- Views
|   |
|   |  |-- Blog
|   |  | |-- ...
|   |  |
|   |  |-- Home
|   |  | |-- Blog.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Contact.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Help.cshtml
|   |  | |-- index.cshtml
|   |  |
|   |  |-- Word
|   |  | |-- English.cshtml
|   |  | |-- French.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Germanish.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Italianish.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Spanish.cshtml
|   |  | |-- SavedWords.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Index.cshtml
|   |  |
|   |  |-- Shared
|   |  | |-- _Layout.cshtml
|   |  | |-- _ValidationScriptsPartial.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Error.cshtml
|   |  |
|   |  |-- _ViewImports.cshtml
|   |  |-- _ViewStart.cshtml
|   |
|   |-- appsettings.json
|   |-- Program.cs
|   |... 

Gallery of HexaLingo 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 🇷🇺

🌻 Feedback

If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]

🎋Full App Structure

|-- HexaLingo
|   |
|   |-- wwwroot
|   |   |
|   |   |-- img
|   |   |  |-- icons
|   |   |  |-- others
|   |   |
|   |   |-- css
|   |   |  |-- site.css
|   |   |  |-- darkmode.css
|   |   |
|   |   |-- js
|   |   |  |-- site.js
|   |   |
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |  |-- ...
|   |
|   |-- _bin
|   | 
|   |-- Controllers
|   |   |-- BlogController.cs
|   |   |-- DarkModeController.cs
|   |   |-- HomeController.cs
|   |   |-- WordController.cs
|   |
|   |-- Data
|   |  |-- HexaLingoDbContext.cs
|   |
|   |-- Migrations
|   |  |-- ...
|   |
|   |-- Models
|   |  |-- ErrorViewModel.cs
|   |  |-- Word.cs
|   |
|   |-- ViewModels
|   |  |-- EnglishViewModel.cs
|   |  |-- FrenchViewModel.cs
|   |  |-- GermanishViewModel.cs
|   |  |-- ItalianishViewModel.cs
|   |  |-- SpanishViewModel.cs
|   |
|   |-- Views
|   |
|   |  |-- Blog
|   |  | |-- Post1.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Post2.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Post3.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Post4.cshtml
|   |  |
|   |  |-- Home
|   |  | |-- Blog.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Contact.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Help.cshtml
|   |  | |-- index.cshtml
|   |  |
|   |  |-- Word
|   |  | |-- English.cshtml
|   |  | |-- French.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Germanish.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Italianish.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Spanish.cshtml
|   |  | |-- SavedWords.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Index.cshtml
|   |  |
|   |  |-- Shared
|   |  | |-- _Layout.cshtml
|   |  | |-- _ValidationScriptsPartial.cshtml
|   |  | |-- Error.cshtml
|   |  |
|   |  |-- _ViewImports.cshtml
|   |  |-- _ViewStart.cshtml
|   |
|   |-- appsettings.json
|   |-- Program.cs
|   |... 


HexaLingo - Language learning Never before was not that simple








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