This repository contains files to launch a 4Dvar assimilation using a chaotic lorenz model.
The lorenz system is well known for its chaotic behavior. It is described by three coordinates (x,y,z) which evolutions in time is controlled by the following equations.
Data assimilation is a branch of mathematic which consist in combining a theoretical model with observations. The model usually describes the evolution in time of a physical phenomenon for which a bunch of observations are available. Knowledges from both the model and the observations are then combined using data assimilation methods to find for a specific goal. It can be the identification of the initial conditions in order for the model to best fit the observations, to interpolate sparse observations of a system, to determine the optimal state estimate of a system. Variational assimilation methods where first developped with applications to weather forecast. The weather system being highly chaotic, no model can actually predict its evolution after a certain amount of time. A few days to weeks when the weather is stable. The assimilation of live observations in a model prevent it to diverge from reality.
The 4Dvar is a four-dimensional variational assimilation method. It considered that both observations and prior knowledge on the system (initial conditions) are characterized by errors which follow normal laws.
The state of the system is described by the state vector