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Book Rating Database


A database project for CSC 4402 class of Spring 2017 at Louisiana State University.

Book crossing dataset

book crossing dataset is collected by Cai-Nicolas Ziegler in a 4-week crawl from It contains 1,149,780 ratings of 271,379 books by 278,858 users.

You can get the original datasets from here. The modified datasets we used are in data directory.

E-R Model of book rating database

Here is the E-R model:



It needs five tables in the book rating database:

#Table books
create table books
ISBN varchar(13),
Book_Title varchar(255),
Author_ID int(11),
Year_Of_Publication int(10),
Publisher_ID int(11),
primary key (ISBN)

#Table users
create table users
User_ID int(11),
Location varchar(255),
Age int(11),
primary key (User_ID)

#Table Book_Ratings
create table book_ratings
User_ID int(11),
ISBN varchar(13),
Rating int(11),
primary key (User_ID, ISBN)

#Table Authors
create table authors
Author_ID int(11),
Name varchar(255),
Phone int(10),
Gender varchar(1),
Address varchar(255),
primary key (Author_ID)

#Table Publishers
create table publishers
Publisher_ID int(11),
Name varchar(255),
Phone int(10),
Address varchar(255),
primary key (Publisher_ID)


run initialization.sql to creat all of tables and load datasets.


some interesting queries are stored in query.sql, please check it for details.


Pu Du, Tianyi Zhang, Pengfei Pan, Min Cui


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.