The classic pong game written in Rust! This project is still a WIP.
Pong is a classic tennis-based arcade game which was designed by Atari in 1972. This project was created for educational purposes and is a short and humble remake of the game using Rust and Amethyst as the game engine and by following the pong chapter in Amethyst's book.
To sum up: a project to study Rust
and some of its gaming capabilities ;)
The main technologies used (so far):
compiler -1.51.0
[Amethyst( is an ECS (Entity Component System) based game engine which was used to power the game logic, state and graphics. Amethyst uses Metal as the main API for using MacOS's GPU.
To hit the ground quickly, use Cargo:
cargo run
This will compile the game in development mode and run it which should render the game screen.
In order to run the unit tests, use cargo:
cargo test