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REST-API adapter

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This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers. For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see Sentry-Plugin Documentation! Sentry reporting is used starting with js-controller 3.0.

This is a RESTFul interface to read the objects and states from ioBroker and to write/control the states over HTTP Get/Post requests.

The purpose of this adapter is similar to simple-api. But this adapter supports long-polling and URL hooks for subscribes.

It has a beneficial web interface to play with the requests:



Call in browser http://ipaddress:8093/ and use Swagger UI to request and modify the states and objects.

Some request examples:

  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/state/ - read state as JSON
  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/state/ - read state as string (only value)
  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/state/ - write state with GET (only for back compatibility with simple-api)
  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/sendto/javascript.0?message=toScript&data={"message":"MESSAGE","data":"FROM REST-API"} - send a message to javascript.0 in script scriptName

Subscribe to the state's or object's changes

Your application could get notifications by every change of the state or object.

For that, your application must provide an HTTP(S) end-point to accept the updates.

Example in node.js see here demoNodeClient.js

Long polling

This adapter supports a subscribing on data changes via long polling.

Example for browser could be found here: demoNodeClient.js

Web extension

This adapter can run as a web extension. In this case, the path is available under http://iipaddress:8082/rest


  • POST is always for creating a resource (does not matter if it was duplicated)
  • PUT is for checking if resource exists then update, else create new resource
  • PATCH is always for updating a resource


Additionally, you can execute many socket commands via special interface:



  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/command/getState?id=system.adapter.admin.0.alive - to read the state of system.adapter.admin.0.alive
  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/command/readFile?adapter=admin.admin&fileName=admin.png - to read the file admin.admin/admin.png as JSON result
  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/command/readFile?adapter=admin.admin&fileName=admin.png?binary - to read the file admin.admin/admin.png as file
  • http://ipaddress:8093/v1/command/extendObject?id=system.adapter.admin.0?obj={"common":{"enabled":true}} - to restart admin

You can request all commands with POST method too. As body must be an object with parameters. E.g.:

curl --location --request POST 'http://ipaddress:8093/v1/command/sendTo' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"adapterInstance": "history.0",
"command": "getHistory",
"message": {"id": "system.adapter.admin.0.memRss","options": {"aggregate": "onchange", "addId": true}}

You cannot send POST request to commands via GUI.


  • getStates(pattern) - get the list of states for pattern (e.g. for system.adapter.admin.0.*). GUI can have problems by visualization of answer.
  • getForeignStates(pattern) - same as getStates
  • getState(id) - get state value by ID
  • setState(id, state) - set state value with JSON object (e.g. {"val": 1, "ack": true})
  • getBinaryState(id) - get binary state by ID
  • setBinaryState(id, base64) - set binary state by ID


  • getObject(id) - get object by ID
  • getObjects(list) - get all states and rooms. GUI can have problems by visualization of answer.
  • getObjectView(design, search, params) - get specific objects, e.g. design=system, search=state, params={"startkey": "system.adapter.admin.", "endkey": "system.adapter.admin.\u9999"}
  • setObject(id, obj) - set object with JSON object (e.g. {"common": {"type": "boolean"}, "native": {}, "type": "state"})
  • delObject(id, options) - delete object by ID


  • readFile(adapter, fileName) - read file, e.g. adapter=vis.0, fileName=main/vis-views.json. Additionally, you can set option in query binary=true to get answer as file and not as json
  • readFile64(adapter, fileName) - read file as base64 string, e.g. adapter=vis.0, fileName=main/vis-views.json. Additionally, you can set option in query binary=true to get answer as file and not as json
  • writeFile64(adapter, fileName, data64, options) - write file, e.g. adapter=vis.0, fileName=main/vis-test.json, data64=eyJhIjogMX0=
  • unlink(adapter, name) - delete file or folder
  • deleteFile(adapter, name) - delete file
  • deleteFolder(adapter, name) - delete folder
  • renameFile(adapter, oldName, newName) - rename file
  • rename(adapter, oldName, newName) - rename file or folder
  • mkdir(adapter, dirName) - create folder
  • readDir(adapter, dirName, options) - read content of folder
  • chmodFile(adapter, fileName, options) - change file mode. E.g. adapter=vis.0, fileName=main/*, options = {"mode": 0x644}
  • chownFile(adapter, fileName, options) - change file owner. E.g. adapter=vis.0, fileName=main/*, options = {"owner": "newOwner", "ownerGroup": "newgroup"}
  • fileExists(adapter, fileName) - check if file exists


  • getHostByIp(ip) - read host information by IP. e.g. by localhost
  • readLogs(host) - read file name and size of log files. You can read them with http://ipaddress:8093/
  • delState(id) - delete state and object. Same as delObject
  • getRatings(update) - read adapter ratings (as in admin)
  • getCurrentInstance() - read adapter namespace (always rest-api.0)
  • decrypt(encryptedText) - decrypt string with system secret
  • encrypt(plainText) - encrypt string with system secret
  • getAdapters(adapterName) - get objects of type "adapter". You can define optionally adapterName
  • updateLicenses(login, password) - read licenses from portal
  • getCompactInstances() - read list of instances with short information
  • getCompactAdapters() - read list of installed adapters with short information
  • getCompactInstalled(host) - read short information about installed adapters
  • getCompactSystemConfig() - read short system config
  • getCompactSystemRepositories()
  • getCompactRepository(host) - read short repository
  • getCompactHosts() - get short information about hosts
  • addUser(user, pass) - add new user
  • delUser(user) - delete user
  • addGroup(group, desc, acl) - create new group
  • delGroup(group) - delete group
  • changePassword(user, pass) - change user password
  • getAllObjects() - read all objects as list. GUI can have problems by visualization of answer.
  • extendObject(id, obj) - modify object by ID with JSON. (.e.g. {"common":{"enabled": true}})
  • getForeignObjects(pattern, type) - same as getObjects
  • delObjects(id, options) - delete objects by pattern


  • log(text, level[info]) - no answer - add log entry to ioBroker log
  • checkFeatureSupported(feature) - check if feature is supported by js-controller.
  • getHistory(id, options) - read history. See for options:
  • httpGet(url) - read URL from server. You can set binary=true to get answer as file
  • sendTo(adapterInstance, command, message) - send command to instance. E.g. adapterInstance=history.0, command=getHistory, message={"id": "system.adapter.admin.0.memRss","options": {"aggregate": "onchange", "addId": true}}
  • listPermissions() - read static information with function permissions
  • getUserPermissions() - read object with user permissions
  • getVersion() - read adapter name and version
  • getAdapterName() - read adapter name (always rest-api)
  • clientSubscribe(targetInstance, messageType, data)
  • getAdapterInstances(adapterName) - get objects of type "instance". You can define optionally adapterName


2.0.3 (2024-07-13)

  • (jkuenemund) Changed response for the endpoint get states to the dictionary in swagger

2.0.1 (2024-05-23)

  • (foxriver76) ported to @iobroker/webserver
  • (theshengfui) Fixed history requests
  • (bluefox) Minimum required node.js version is 16

1.1.0 (2023-05-03)

  • (bluefox) Converting of the setState values to the according type
  • (bluefox) Implemented file operations

1.0.5 (2023-03-27)

  • (Apollon77) Prepare for future js-controller versions

1.0.4 (2022-08-31)

  • (bluefox) Check if the port is occupied only on defined interface

1.0.2 (2022-07-27)

  • (bluefox) Implemented binary read/write operations

1.0.1 (2022-07-27)

  • (bluefox) Increased the max size of body to 100Mb

1.0.0 (2022-05-19)

  • (bluefox) Final release

0.6.0 (2022-05-18)

  • (bluefox) Added sendTo path

0.5.0 (2022-05-17)

  • (bluefox) Some access errors were corrected

0.4.0 (2022-04-26)

  • (bluefox) Added socket commands

0.3.6 (2022-04-22)

  • (bluefox) Added object creation and enumerations reading

0.3.5 (2022-04-22)

  • (bluefox) Allowed the reading of current subscriptions

0.3.4 (2022-04-20)

  • (bluefox) Corrected subscription

0.3.1 (2022-04-15)

  • (bluefox) First release

0.1.0 (2017-09-14)

  • (bluefox) initial commit


Apache 2.0

Copyright (c) 2017-2024 bluefox [email protected]