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iptools-jquery-validator Build Status npm version Bower version

jQuery form validation plugin.


  • jQuery >=1.11.3 <4.0.0

Supported validation schemas

Schema Description
required Checks if field has value.
email Checks if field value is email.
regexp Checks field value against regular expression defined in data-validation-regexp.
phone Checks if field value is phone number. Allows +, space and numbers.
numeric Checks if field value is numeric. Allows decimals, signs, and scientific notation.
number Checks if field value is number.
name Checks if field value is name, i.e. first or last name of person.
street Checks if field value is street name.
housenumber Checks if field value is house number.
postcode Checks if field value is post code.
match Checks if field value matches to field referenced by data-validation-connected-field.
unique Checks if field value is unique in amongst given references by data-validation-unique-with and data-validation-unique-set.


iptools-jquery-validator relies on namespaced data attributes such as

Attribute Description
data-validation Comma-separated list of validation schemas to apply, e.g. data-validation="required,phone". See Supported validation schemas.
data-validation-trigger Event on which validation should be triggered. Only events emitted from actual control are considered.
data-validation-regexp Regular expression definition for fields with regexp validation schema.
data-validation-connected-field Name of the connected field for fields with match validation schema.
data-validation-unique-set Namespace within which to perform unique validation.
data-validation-unique-with ID of field, value of which, in combination with current field's value, makes up unique value to be validated, e.g. forename + surname.
data-validation-errormsg-<schema> Error message to be displayed in case validation fails, e.g. data-validation-errormsg-required="Name is required.". See Supported validation schemas.


Following options (optional) can be used to initialise component:

Option Description Default 
stopOnRequired Stop further validation if required validation schema fails false
validateOnSubmit Trigger validation on submit true
validateOnCustomEvent Trigger validation on custom event null
errorPublishingMode Position of error message relative to erroneous field. Possible values: insertInto, insertAfter, insertBefore, appendToParent, prependToParent appendToParent
errorMsgBoxID HTML Element ID holding error messages. Corresponds to errorPublishingMode: 'insertInto' null
errorClass CSS class added to erroneous fields, error message and error class subscribers error
boxAnimationMode Animation strategy applied to errors. Possible values: default, fade, slide default (show/hide)
animationDuration Duration of boc animation in ms 500
wipeTargets Third party elements (e.g. errors) to be removed from DOM on validation null


Following events are dispatched on element that component was initialised on:

Event Description
success.iptValidator Dispatched on validation success
failure.iptValidator Dispatched on validation failure


<form method="post" action="">
  <input type="text" data-validation="required,email" data-validation-trigger="change" data-validation-errormsg-required="Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." data-validation-errormsg-email="Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse an.">

<script src="src/iptools-jquery-validator.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      validateOnSubmit: true,
      stopOnRequired: false,
      errorPublishingMode: 'insertAfter',
      errorMsgBoxID: null,
      errorClass: 'error'




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