jQuery form validation plugin.
- jQuery >=1.11.3 <4.0.0
Schema | Description |
required |
Checks if field has value. |
email |
Checks if field value is email. |
regexp |
Checks field value against regular expression defined in data-validation-regexp . |
phone |
Checks if field value is phone number. Allows + , space and numbers. |
numeric |
Checks if field value is numeric. Allows decimals, signs, and scientific notation. |
number |
Checks if field value is number. |
name |
Checks if field value is name, i.e. first or last name of person. |
street |
Checks if field value is street name. |
housenumber |
Checks if field value is house number. |
postcode |
Checks if field value is post code. |
match |
Checks if field value matches to field referenced by data-validation-connected-field . |
unique |
Checks if field value is unique in amongst given references by data-validation-unique-with and data-validation-unique-set . |
relies on namespaced data attributes such as
Attribute | Description |
data-validation |
Comma-separated list of validation schemas to apply, e.g. data-validation="required,phone" . See Supported validation schemas. |
data-validation-trigger |
Event on which validation should be triggered. Only events emitted from actual control are considered. |
data-validation-regexp |
Regular expression definition for fields with regexp validation schema. |
data-validation-connected-field |
Name of the connected field for fields with match validation schema. |
data-validation-unique-set |
Namespace within which to perform unique validation. |
data-validation-unique-with |
ID of field, value of which, in combination with current field's value, makes up unique value to be validated, e.g. forename + surname. |
data-validation-errormsg-<schema> |
Error message to be displayed in case validation fails, e.g. data-validation-errormsg-required="Name is required." . See Supported validation schemas. |
Following options (optional) can be used to initialise component:
Option | Description | Default |
stopOnRequired |
Stop further validation if required validation schema fails |
false |
validateOnSubmit |
Trigger validation on submit | true |
validateOnCustomEvent |
Trigger validation on custom event | null |
errorPublishingMode |
Position of error message relative to erroneous field. Possible values: insertInto , insertAfter , insertBefore , appendToParent , prependToParent |
appendToParent |
errorMsgBoxID |
HTML Element ID holding error messages. Corresponds to errorPublishingMode: 'insertInto' |
null |
errorClass |
CSS class added to erroneous fields, error message and error class subscribers | error |
boxAnimationMode |
Animation strategy applied to errors. Possible values: default , fade , slide |
default (show/hide) |
animationDuration |
Duration of boc animation in ms | 500 |
wipeTargets |
Third party elements (e.g. errors) to be removed from DOM on validation | null |
Following events are dispatched on element that component was initialised on:
Event | Description |
success.iptValidator |
Dispatched on validation success |
failure.iptValidator |
Dispatched on validation failure |
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" data-validation="required,email" data-validation-trigger="change" data-validation-errormsg-required="Dieses Feld ist ein Pflichtfeld." data-validation-errormsg-email="Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse an.">
<script src="src/iptools-jquery-validator.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
validateOnSubmit: true,
stopOnRequired: false,
errorPublishingMode: 'insertAfter',
errorMsgBoxID: null,
errorClass: 'error'
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