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Omron SN2 (𝜏, β)

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Proof of Inference

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Omron represents a significant stride in enhancing the Bittensor network, aiming to create the world's largest peer-to-peer Verified Intelligence network, by building a Proof-of-Inference system for the Bittensor network. This initiative aligns with the Opentensor foundation's criteria for innovative subnet solutions. zk-ML allows AI models to be converted into a unique 'fingerprint,' a circuit that can be used to verify that a model's prediction was generated by a specific AI model, thereby providing what we term as Proof-of-Inference.

Miners and Validators Functionality

Incentive Mechanism and Reward Structure

Omron incentivizes miners and validators on Subnet 2 to contribute to the generation and validation of high-quality, secure, and efficient verified AI predictions using a specialized reward mechanism that aligns with the unique aspects of zero-knowledge machine learning (zk-ML) and decentralized AI. Currently Zero-knowledge proofs are generally more CPU computationally intensive and opens the opportunity for non-GPU miners to participate however the end goal is to further incentivize the development of proving systems optimized for GPU based operations. The incentives are based around Miners creating succinct and efficient models which can be circuitized with a zero-knowledge proving system.

The reward mechanism for Subnet 2 scores the initial AI predictions based on the cryptographic integrity and time to generate zk-proofs along with the outputs, rather than solely on end results. This approach reduces the computational burden on validators as zk-proofs confirm the source model and integrity of AI predictions efficiently.


  • Receive input data from validators on the subnet.
  • Generate predictions using custom, verifiable AI models that have been converted into zero knowledge circuits
  • Return the generated content to the requesting validator for validation and distribution.


  • Produce input data and distribute requests for verified inference throughout miners participating on the subnet
  • Confirm that miners are acting faithfully, by verifying the authenticity of the miner's returned zero knowledge proof
  • Score results from miners based on performance metrics such as proof size and response time


Run the below command to install Omron and it's dependencies.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

See full setup guide →

Register on the SN

btcli subnet register finney --netuid 2 {your_coldkey} --wallet.hotkey {your_hotkey}

Run the miner


Ensure you are within the /neurons directory before using the commands below to start your miner

cd neurons

Within a virtual environment

pm2 start --name miner --interpreter ../omron-venv/bin/python --kill-timeout 3000 -- \
--netuid 2 \ {your_miner_key_name} \
--wallet.hotkey {your_miner_hotkey_name}

Outside of a virtual environment

pm2 start --name miner --interpreter python3 --kill-timeout 3000 -- \
  --netuid 2 \ {your_miner_key_name} \
  --wallet.hotkey {your_miner_hotkey_name}

Run the validator


Ensure you are within the /neurons directory before using the commands below to start your validator

cd neurons

Within a virtual environment

pm2 start --name validator --interpreter ../omron-venv/bin/python --kill-timeout 3000 -- \
--netuid 2 \ {validator_key_name} \
--wallet.hotkey {validator_hot_key_name}

Outside of a virtual environment

pm2 start --name validator --interpreter python3 --kill-timeout 3000 -- \
  --netuid 2 \ {validator_key_name} \
  --wallet.hotkey {validator_hot_key_name}


Miners contribute to this subnet by providing compute to generate output from, and prove AI model inferences. Miners receive workloads from validators in the form of input data, perform verified inferences on those inputs and respond with output along with a zero knowledge proof of inference.

Hardware requirements


Component Requirement
CPU 8 core 3.2GHz
Network Up 400Mbps
Network Down 400Mbps
Storage 100GB



Exceeding these requirements in terms of storage, network and CPU speed will most likely result in higher rewards due to performance incentivization.

Component Recommendation
CPU 8 core 3.6GHz
Network Up 1Gbps
Network Down 1Gbps
Storage 400GB
Storage Medium SSD


Validators are responsible for verifying model outputs as provided by miners, and updating that miner's score based on the verification results.

Hardware requirements


Component Requirement
CPU 8 core 3.2GHz
Network Up 400Mbps
Network Down 400Mbps
Storage 1TB


Component Recommendation
CPU 8 core 3.4GHz
Network Up 1+Gbps
Network Down 1+Gbps
Storage 2+TB
Storage Medium SSD