netCLI is a lightweight library meant to facilitate command line arguments parsing and flow control over .net CLI applications.
> command --option <optionValue>
> command -o <optionValue>
> command --option
> command -o
- Create .net 6 Console Application
- Install
via NuGet - Adjust Program.cs with the following code:
using inausoft.netCLI;
using System;
namespace netCLIConsoleApp
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
var mapping = new CommandMapping().Map<MoveCommand>(new MoveCommandHandler());
return CLIFlow.Create().UseMapping(mapping)
[Command("move", "Moves files between locations.")]
public class MoveCommand
[Option("force", "Indicates weather or not files should be overwritten.", IsOptional = true)]
public bool IsForce { get; set; }
[Option("from|f", "Current files locations.")]
public string PathFrom { get; set; }
[Option("to|t", "Destination path for the files.")]
public bool PathTo { get; set; }
class MoveCommandHandler : CommandHandler<MoveCommand>
public override int Run(MoveCommand options)
Console.WriteLine($"Files moved from {options.PathFrom} to {options.PathTo}");
return 0;
namespace netCLIConsoleApp
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.ConfigureCLFlow(mapping =>
mapping.Map<MoveCommand, MoveCommandHandler>()
.Map<HelpCommand, HelpCommandHandler>();
using (ServiceProvider provider = services.BuildServiceProvider())
logger = provider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Program>>();
return CLFlow.Create().UseServiceProvider(provider)
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