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What is this?

This is a very basic Online Requisition System.


The system can be used by 3 different users who are: The Admin, The Accounts and The Supervisors.


All users can create a new requisition from the three defined requisition types. However, there are a couple of things each user can do that the other can not.

The Admin

The admin can lookup or add a new clients to the system.

The Accounts

The accounts can disburse funds to any approved requisitions. They can not approve any requisitions on their own.

The Supervisor

The supervisor is the only one who can approve or reject requisitions. This leaves the requisition open for the accounts team to disburse the funds.

The User

A (general) user can interact with the system as a normal employee with no special rights or roles. This was done so that you can experience the system from their perspective.

System Design

The documentation provided had a desktop theme and some effort were made to make it look good on desktops than on mobile devices. The entire system was built using Bootstrap 5, jQuery and uses CodeIgniter 4 as the sole PHP framework. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architect.


Views, which are basically the frontend html are located in app/Views. You can edit them to add beautiful designs and more.


Controllers, which basically allows us to handle request separately and not in the frontend code. It makes our code nicer :)

These can be found in app/Controllers


Models provide an easy interaction with the database, providing helper functions to manipulate the database. These can be found in app/Models

Database Migrations

Database migrations contain the definitions of our database tables. These can be found in app/Database/Migrations.

Installation (5 mins)

To install the system, clone or download the project zip file from the Code button at the top. You should have PHP 8.1 or greater already installed (either via XAMPP, WAMP, or MAMP)

You will also need to download composer and install it.

When the installation is done, you have to move into your working directory eg. cd C:/xampp/htdocs/requisition_system

Database Configurations (3 min)

Database configurations have to be stored in a .env file. The system will throw an error when these configurations are missing so you can copy the env to .env and adjust your database.* and default.login configurations to match your servers and to your linking respectively.

You will also need to create an empty database for the system through your PHPMyAdmin => http://localhost/phpmyadmin matching the provided database.default.database.

Database Seeding (1 min)

Once you have installed and configured the system, you can open the following web page to seed the database http://localhost/requisition_system/sys/install. If all goes well, you'll see a very comforting message.

Admin Auth

Once the preceding step is completed, you will be able to login as an admin using the username and password in the .env file

NB: Additional features may be added at a much later time but is not guaranteed. If you would like to see that, kindly star this project and perhaps create an issue :) - TIA